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Using Serialization with Evolution

Running the Example

Complete the following procedure to compile and run this example:

  1. From yourbasedir/objectserializationexamples/SerializationAndEvolution, compile the Original Class using JDKTM 1.2 or higher:
      javac EvolutionExampleOriginalClass.java
  2. Run the Original Class with the serialization flag:
      java EvolutionExampleOriginalClass -s 
  3. Compile the Evolved Class:
      javac EvolutionExampleEvolvedClass.java 
  4. Run the Evolved Class with the deserialization flag:
    java EvolutionExampleEvolvedClass -d 

This procedure tests compatibility in one direction only. To test bidirectional compatibility, perform the same procedure in the other direction (in steps 1-4, replace the original class name with the evolved class name, and vice versa).

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