Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API

Drag and Drop Subsystem
for JFC

1.0 Requirements
2.0 API
2.1 Overview
2.2 Drag Gesture Recognition
2.2.1 DragGestureRecognizer
2.3 Drag Source
2.3.1 The DragSource definition
2.3.2 The DragSourceContext Definition
2.3.3 The DragSourceListener Definition
2.3.4 The DragSourceEvent Definition
2.3.5 The DragSourceDragEvent Definition
2.3.6 The DragSourceDropEvent Definition
2.4 Drop Target
2.4.1 java.awt.Component additions for DropTarget (de)registration.
2.4.2 The DropTarget Definition
2.4.3 The DropTargetContext Definition
2.4.4 The DropTargetListener Definition
2.4.5 The DropTargetDragEvent and DropTargetDropEvent Definitions
2.4.6 Autoscrolling support
2.5 Data Transfer Phase
2.5.1 FlavorMap and SystemFlavorMap
2.5.2 Transferring Data across the JVM boundary
2.5.3 Transferring lists of files across the JVM boundary.
2.5.4 Transferring java.rmi.Remote references across the JVM boundary.
3.0 Issues
3.0.1 What are the implications of the various platform protocol engines?
3.0.2 Inter/Intra VM transfers?
3.0.3 Lifetime of the Transferable(s)?
3.0.4 Implications of ACTION_MOVE semantics on source objects exposed via Transferable?
3.0.5 Semantics of ACTION_REFERENCE operation.
Appendix A : DropTargetPeer definition
Appendix B : DragSourceContextPeer definition
Appendix C : DropTargetContextPeer definition

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