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JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common


Chart type that plots line between the data points in a series.

Profile: common

Variable Summary

access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public data Series[]

The chart data series

public dataEffect Effect

Effect applied to all plotted lines and symbols

public dataOpacity Number

The opacity of all data lines and symbols

public showSymbols Boolean

If true then symbols are plotted on data points as well as lines joining series

public symbolCreator function(:Series,:int,:Data,:int,:Paint):Node

Function for creating symbols, this is used if there is no symbol creator on the data series and no explicit symbol node set on the data item

public-init xAxis ValueAxis

The X axis, by default it is along the bottom of the plot

public-init yAxis ValueAxis

The Y axis, by default it is on the left side of the plot

Inherited Variables


access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public customBackgroundContent Node

Custom content that is drawn under the data and over the top of plot background and gridlines

public horizontalAlternateRowFill Paint

The fill for horizontal alternative painting

public horizontalGridLineStroke Paint

The stroke paint for horizontal grid lines

public horizontalGridLineStrokeDashArray Number[]

The stroke dash array for horizontal grid lines

public horizontalGridLineStrokeWidth Integer

The stroke width for horizontal grid lines

public horizontalGridLineVisible Boolean

True if horizontal grid lines should be drawn

public horizontalZeroLineVisible Boolean true

If this is true and the horizontal axis has both positive and negative values then a aditional axis line will be drawn at the zero point

protected plot Panel subclass subclass subclass

This is the panel that contains the plot, any subclasses need to set this to the panel that contains their graphics.

This is the panel that contains the plot, any subclasses need to set this to the panel that contains their graphics. It is layed out to be the rectangular area between the two axis by this class stting its layoutX, layoutY, width and height.

public plotBackgroundFill Paint

The fill used for plot background rectangle defined by the two axis

public plotBackgroundStroke Paint

The stroke used for plot background rectangle defined by the two axis

public plotBackgroundStrokeWidth Number

The stroke width used for plot background rectangle defined by the two axis

public verticalAlternateRowFill Paint

The fill for vertical alternative painting

public verticalGridLineStroke Paint

The stroke paint for vertical grid lines

public verticalGridLineStrokeDashArray Number[]

The stroke dash array for vertical grid lines

public verticalGridLineStrokeWidth Integer

The stroke width for vertical grid lines

public verticalGridLineVisible Boolean

True if vertical grid lines should be drawn

public verticalZeroLineVisible Boolean true

If this is true and the vertical axis has both positive and negative values then a aditional axis line will be drawn at the zero point

protected xyAxisX Axis subclass subclass subclass

The X axis, by default it is along the bottom of the plot

protected xyAxisY Axis subclass subclass subclass

The Y axis, by default it is on the left side of the plot

protected xyData Series[] subclass subclass subclass

XYCharts data


access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public chartBackgoundFill Paint

Fill for the chart background which is the complete area of chart (width x height)

public chartBackgoundStroke Paint

Stroke for the chart background which is the complete area of chart (width x height)

public chartBackgoundStrokeWidth Number

Stroke width for the chart background which is the complete area of chart (width x height)

protected chartContent Container subclass subclass subclass

This is the container that Chart subclasses provide that contains the chart content, It is sized to be inside the chart area leaving space for the title and legend.

public hoverStroke Paint

The stroke paint of the outline of a data item that has a action attached

public hoverStrokeWidth Number

The stroke width of the outline of a data item that has a action attached

public insets Insets

The insets between the charts available space (width x height) and the content(title and plot)

public-read protected legend Legend subclass subclass


public legendGap Number

The gap between the chart legend and the chart plot area

public legendSide Side Side.BOTTOM

The side of the chart where the legend should be displayed

public legendVisible Boolean true

True if the legend should be visible

public title String

The chart title

public titleFill Paint
public titleFont Font
public titleGap Number

The gap between the chart title and the chart plot area

public titleSide Side

The side of the chart where the title is displayed


access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description


access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public-read protected needsLayout Boolean subclass subclass


access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public blocksMouse Boolean false

If true, consumes mouse events in this Node and does not send them to other nodes further up the scene graph.

If true, consumes mouse events in this Node and does not send them to other nodes further up the scene graph. If a Node wants to block mouse events from going to nodes which are visually obscured by this Node, then set blocksMouse to true.


Profile: common conditional mouse

public-read boundsInLocal Bounds

The rectangular bounds of this Node in the Node's untransformed local coordinate space.

The rectangular bounds of this Node in the Node's untransformed local coordinate space. For nodes that extend javafx.scene.shape.Shape, the local bounds will also include space required for a non-zero stroke that may fall outside the shape's geometry that is defined by position and size attributes. The local bounds will also include any clipping set with clip as well as effects set with effect.

Note that this method does not take the node's visibility into account; the test is based on the geometry of this Node only.

This variable will always be a non-null value.

Note that boundsInLocal is automatically recomputed whenever the geometry of a node changes. For this reason, it is an error to bind any of these values in a node to an expression that depends upon this variable. For example, the "x" or "y" variables of a shape should never be bound to boundsInLocal for the purpose of positioning the node.

Profile: common

public-read boundsInParent Bounds

The rectangular bounds of this Node which include its transforms.

The rectangular bounds of this Node which include its transforms. boundsInParent is calculated by taking its local bounds (defined by boundsInLocal) and applying the transform created by setting the following additional variables:

  1. transforms[] sequence
  2. layoutX, layoutY
  3. translateX, translateY
  4. scaleX, scaleY
  5. rotate

The resulting bounds will be conceptually in the coordinate space of the Node's parent, however the node need not have a parent to calculate these bounds.

Note that this method does not take the node's visibility into account; the test is based on the geometry of this Node only.

This variable will always be a non-null value.

Note that boundsInParent is automatically recomputed whenever the geometry of a node changes, or when any of the following change: the transforms sequence, the translateX, translateY, layoutX, layoutY, scaleX, scaleY, or rotate variable. For this reason, it is an error to bind any of these values in a node to an expression that depends upon this variable. For example, the "x" or "y" variables of a shape, or translateX, translateY should never be bound to boundsInParent for the purpose of positioning the node.

Profile: common

public cache Boolean false

A performance hint to the system to indicate that this Node should be cached as a bitmap.

A performance hint to the system to indicate that this Node should be cached as a bitmap. Rendering a bitmap representation of a node will be faster than rendering primitives in many cases, especially in the case of primitives with effects applied (such as a blur). However, it also increases memory usage. This hint indicates whether that trade-off (increased memory usage for increased performance) is worthwhile. Also note that on some platforms such as GPU accelerated platforms there is little benefit to caching Nodes as bitmaps when blurs and other effects are used since they are very fast to render on the GPU.


Profile: common

public clip Node null

Specifies a Node to use to define the the clipping shape for this Node.

Specifies a Node to use to define the the clipping shape for this Node. This clipping Node is not a child of this Node in the scene graph sense. Rather, it is used to define the clip for this Node.

For example, you can use an javafx.scene.image.ImageView Node as a mask to represent the Clip. Or you could use one of the geometric shape Nodes such as javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle or javafx.scene.shape.Circle. Or you could use a javafx.scene.text.Text node to represent the Clip.

See the class documentation for Node for scene graph structure restrictions on setting the clip. If these restrictions are violated by a change to the clip variable, the change is ignored and the previous value of the clip variable is restored.


Profile: common conditional clip

public cursor Cursor null

Defines the mouse cursor for this Node and subnodes.

Defines the mouse cursor for this Node and subnodes. If null, then the cursor of the first parent node with a non-null cursor will be used. If no Node in the scene graph defines a cursor, then the cursor of the Scene will be used.


Profile: common conditional cursor

public disable Boolean false

Sets the individual disabled state of this Node.

Sets the individual disabled state of this Node. Setting disable to true will cause this Node and any subnodes to become disabled. This variable should be used only to set the disabled state of a Node. For querying the disabled state of a Node, the disabled variable should instead be used, since it is possible that a Node was disabled as a result of an ancestor being disabled even if the individual disable state on this Node is false.


Profile: common

public-read disabled Boolean false

Indicates whether or not this Node is disabled.

Indicates whether or not this Node is disabled. A Node will become disabled if disable is set to true on either itself or one of its ancestors in the scene graph.

A disabled Node should render itself differently to indicate its disabled state to the user. Such disabled rendering is dependent on the implementation of the Node. The shape classes contained in javafx.scene.shape do not implement such rendering by default, therefore applications using shapes for handling input must implement appropriate disabled rendering themselves. The user-interface controls defined in javafx.scene.control will implement disabled-sensitive rendering, however.

A disabled Node does not receive mouse or key events.


Profile: common

public effect Effect null

Specifies an effect to apply to this Node.

public-read protected focused Boolean subclass subclass false

Indicates whether this Node is the current input focus owner.

Indicates whether this Node is the current input focus owner. Only one node at a time may be the current focus owner.


Profile: common

public focusTraversable Boolean fase

Specifies whether this Node should be a part of focus traversal cycle.

Specifies whether this Node should be a part of focus traversal cycle. When this property is true focus can be moved to this Node and from this Node using regular focus traversal keys. On a desktop such keys are usually TAB for moving focus forward and SHIFT+TAB for moving focus backward. By default the first focus traversable and focusable Node added to a Scene is to receive focus by default.


Profile: common

public-read protected hover Boolean subclass subclass false

Whether or not this Node is being hovered over.

Whether or not this Node is being hovered over. Typically this is due to the mouse being over the node, though it could be due to a pen hovering on a graphics tablet or other form of input.

NOTE: the current implementation of hover relies on mouse enter and exit events to determine whether this Node is in the hover state; this means that this feature is currently supported only on systems that have a mouse. Future implementations may provide alternative means of supporting hover.


Profile: common

public id String empty string

The id of this Node.

The id of this Node. This simple string identifier is useful for finding a specific Node within the scene graph. While the id of a Node should be unique within the scene graph, this uniqueness is not enforced. This is much like the "id" attribute of an HTML element.

empty string

Profile: common

public-read protected layoutBounds Bounds subclass subclass

The rectangular bounds that should be used in calculations for both manual and automatic layout of this Node.

The rectangular bounds that should be used in calculations for both manual and automatic layout of this Node. By default, layoutBounds will be equal to the geometric bounds of the node and does not include the effect, clip, or transforms.

Note that the layoutX, layoutY, translateX, and translateY variables are not included in the layoutBounds. This is important because layout code must first determine the current size and location of the Node (using layoutBounds) and then set layoutX and layoutY to adjust the translation of the Node so that it will have the desired layout position.

layoutBounds is automatically recomputed whenever the geometry of a node changes. For this reason, it is an error to bind any of these values in a node to an expression that depends upon this variable. For example, the "x" or "y" variables of a shape should never be bound to layoutBounds for the purpose of positioning the node.

Profile: common

public layoutInfo LayoutInfoBase

Hook for node-specific layout information used by layout containers.

Hook for node-specific layout information used by layout containers. If the node is not a child of a container which supports layout info, this variable will be ignored.

Note that layoutInfo object literals may be shared across nodes, which means altering the vars in layoutInfo will affect all such nodes.

public layoutX Number 0

Defines the X coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node for the purpose of layout.

Defines the X coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node for the purpose of layout. Containers or Groups performing layout will set this variable relative to layoutBounds.minX in order to position the node at the desired layout location.

For example, if child should have a final location of finalX:

     child.layoutX = finalX - child.layoutBounds.minX;


Profile: common

public layoutY Number 0

Defines the Y coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node for the purpose of layout.

Defines the Y coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node for the purpose of layout. Containers or Groups performing layout will set this variable relative to layoutBounds.minY in order to position the node at the desired layout location.

For example, if child should have a final location of finalY:

     child.layoutY = finalY - child.layoutBounds.minY;


Profile: common

public onKeyPressed function(:KeyEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when this Node has input focus and a key has been pressed.

public onKeyReleased function(:KeyEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when this Node has input focus and a key has been released.

public onKeyTyped function(:KeyEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when this Node has input focus and a key has been typed.

Defines a function to be called when this Node has input focus and a key has been typed. *

Profile: common conditional keyboard

public onMouseClicked function(:MouseEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on this Node.

public onMouseDragged function(:MouseEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button is pressed on this Node and then dragged.

public onMouseEntered function(:MouseEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when the mouse enters this Node.

public onMouseExited function(:MouseEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when the mouse exits this Node.

public onMouseMoved function(:MouseEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when mouse cursor moves within this Node but no buttons have been pushed.

public onMousePressed function(:MouseEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been pressed on this Node.

public onMouseReleased function(:MouseEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been released on this Node.

public onMouseWheelMoved function(:MouseEvent):Void

Defines a function to be called when the mouse scroll wheel has moved.

public opacity Number 1.0

Specifies how opaque (that is, solid) the Node appears.

Specifies how opaque (that is, solid) the Node appears. A Node with 0% opacity is fully translucent. That is, while it is still visible and rendered, you generally won't be able to see it. The exception to this rule is when the ZNode is combined with a blending mode and blend effect in which case a translucent Node may still have an impact in rendering. An opacity of 50% will render the node as being 50% transparent.

A visible node with any opacity setting still receives mouse events and can receive keyboard focus. For example, if you want to have a large invisible rectangle overlay all Nodes in the scene graph in order to intercept mouse events but not be visible to the user, you could create a large Rectangle that had an opacity of 0%.

Opacity is specified as a value between 0 and 1. Values less than 0 or greater than 1 are clipped to 0 and 1 respectively.

On some platforms ImageView might not support opacity variable. // TODO ROCHELLE: Can we elaborate on this? What determines whether it is supported or not??


Profile: common

public-read package parent Parent null

The parent of this Node.

The parent of this Node. If this Node has not been added to a scene graph, then parent will be null.


Profile: common

public-read protected pressed Boolean subclass subclass false

Whether or not the Node is pressed.

Whether or not the Node is pressed. Typically this is true when the primary mouse button is down, though subclasses may define other mouse button state or key state to cause the node to be "pressed".


Profile: common

public rotate Number 0.0

Defines the angle of rotation about the Node's center, measured in degrees.

Defines the angle of rotation about the Node's center, measured in degrees. This is used to rotate the Node.

This rotation factor is not included in layoutBounds by default, which makes it ideal for rotating the entire node after all effects and transforms have been taken into account.

The pivot point about which the rotation occurs is the center of the untransformed layoutBounds.

Note that because the pivot point is computed as the center of this Node's layout bounds, any change to the layout bounds will cause the pivot point to change, which can move the object. For a leaf node, any change to the geometry will cause the layout bounds to change. For a group node, any change to any of its children, including a change in a child's geometry, clip, effect, position, orientation, or scale, will cause the group's layout bounds to change. If this movement of the pivot point is not desired, applications should instead use the Node's transforms[] sequence, and add a javafx.scene.transform.Rotate transform, which has a user-specifiable pivot point.


Profile: common

public scaleX Number 1.0

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the X axis of this Node.

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the X axis of this Node. This is used to stretch or animate the node either manually or by using an animation.

This scale factor is not included in layoutBounds by default, which makes it ideal for scaling the entire node after all effects and transforms have been taken into account.

The pivot point about which the scale occurs is the center of the untransformed layoutBounds.


Profile: common

public scaleY Number 1.0

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the Y axis of this Node.

Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the Y axis of this Node. This is used to stretch or animate the node either manually or by using an animation.

This scale factor is not included in layoutBounds by default, which makes it ideal for scaling the entire node after all effects and transforms have been taken into account.

The pivot point about which the scale occurs is the center of the untransformed layoutBounds.


Profile: common

public-read package scene Scene null

The Scene that this Node is part of.

The Scene that this Node is part of. If the Node is not part of a scene, then this variable will be null.


Profile: common

public style String empty string

A string representation of the CSS style associated with this specific Node.

A string representation of the CSS style associated with this specific Node. This is exactly analogous to the "style" attribute on an HTML element, but uses the syntax defined in JavaFX CSS.

empty string

Profile: desktop

public styleClass String empty string

A String identifier which can be used to logically group Nodes, specifically for an external style engine.

A String identifier which can be used to logically group Nodes, specifically for an external style engine. This variable is exactly analogous to the styleClass attribute on an HTML element.

empty string

Profile: common

public transforms Transform[] empty

Defines the sequence of javafx.scene.transform.Transform objects to be applied to this Node.

Defines the sequence of javafx.scene.transform.Transform objects to be applied to this Node. This sequence of transforms is applied before translateX, translateY, scaleX, and scaleY, rotate transforms.

By default, layoutBounds is defined as the local bounds with all the transforms in this sequence applied.


Profile: common

public translateX Number 0

Defines the X coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node.

Defines the X coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node. This value will be added to any translation defined by the transforms sequence and layoutX.

This variable can be used to alter the location of a Node without disturbing its layout bounds, which makes it useful for animating a node's location.


Profile: common

public translateY Number 0

Defines the Y coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node.

Defines the Y coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of this Node. This value will be added to any translation defined by the transforms sequence and layoutY.

This variable can be used to alter the location of a Node without disturbing its layout bounds, which makes it useful for animating a node's location.


Profile: common

public visible Boolean true

Specifies whether this Node and any subnodes should be rendered as part of the scene graph.

Specifies whether this Node and any subnodes should be rendered as part of the scene graph. A node may be visible and yet not be shown in the rendered scene if, for instance, it is off the screen or obscured by another Node. Invisible nodes never receive mouse events or keyboard focus, and never maintain keyboard focus when they become invisible.


Profile: common



access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public height Number

The height of the Resizable.

The height of the Resizable. Any javafx.scene.Node subclass which mixes in Resizable should ensure that layoutBounds.height is bound to this value and invokes requestLayout in height's on replace trigger.

Profile: common

public width Number

The width of the Resizable.

The width of the Resizable. Any javafx.scene.Node subclass which mixes in Resizable should ensure that layoutBounds.width is bound to this value and invokes requestLayout in width's on replace trigger.

Profile: common


Function Summary

protected dataChanged() : Void
protected getSymbol(series: javafx.scene.chart.LineChart.Series, seriesIndex: Integer, item: javafx.scene.chart.LineChart.Data, itemIndex: Integer, fill: Paint) : Node

Inherited Functions


protected dataChanged() : Void

Called when a non-visual ie data change happens to this charts data

Called when a non-visual ie data change happens to this charts data

protected getItemFill(series: Series, seriesIndex: Integer, item: Data, itemIndex: Integer) : Paint

Get the fill for a given item, first the item's fill is checked and if that is null then the result of getSeriesFill is returned.

Get the fill for a given item, first the item's fill is checked and if that is null then the result of getSeriesFill is returned.

The series the item is in
The index of the items series within the chart data
The data item we are getting the fill for
The index of the data item within its series
protected getSeriesFill(series: Series, seriesIndex: Integer) : Paint

Get the fill for a given series, first the series's fill is checked and if that is null then a color from the default pallet is returned.

Get the fill for a given series, first the series's fill is checked and if that is null then a color from the default pallet is returned.

The series we are getting the fill before
The index of the series within the chart data
protected visualsChanged() : Void

Called when a visual change happens to this charts data

Called when a visual change happens to this charts data



public create() : Node
public getPrefHeight(width: Number) : Number
public getPrefWidth(height: Number) : Number


protected abstract create() : Node

Returns the root of the hierarchy that defines this CustomNode.

Returns the root of the hierarchy that defines this CustomNode. The create function is called once, when the CustomNode is constructed.

See the class documentation for Node for scene graph structure restrictions on nodes returned from the create function. If the returned node violates these restrictions, IllegalArgumentException is thrown during initialization.


Profile: common

protected impl_createPGNode() : com.sun.javafx.sg.PGNode


protected doLayout() : Void

The function which lays out the content of this parent.

The function which lays out the content of this parent. This function will be called during the top-down layout pass if this parent's needsLayout flag is true.

public layout() : Void

Executes a top-down layout pass on the scene graph under this parent.

Executes a top-down layout pass on the scene graph under this parent.

public requestLayout() : Void


public contains(localX: Number, localY: Number) : Boolean

Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is contained within the shape of this Node.

Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is contained within the shape of this Node. Note that this method does not take visibility into account; the test is based on the geometry of this Node only.


Profile: common

public contains(localPoint: Point2D) : Boolean

Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is contained within the shape of this Node.

Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is contained within the shape of this Node. Note that this method does not take visibility into account; the test is based on the geometry of this Node only.


Profile: common

protected impl_boundsChanged() : Void

Invoked by anything which may cause the boundsInLocal to change.

Invoked by anything which may cause the boundsInLocal to change. We do it this way to avoid actually having to recompute the bounds (ie, if I put an on replace trigger on boundsInLocal, then it would force the recomputation of bounds in every case even in situations where we don't need to be computing bounds. This way we don't do that).

Invoking this function will cause the entire chain of parent nodes to this node to be notified that their child bounds have changed, which may cause them to revalidate their bounds if somebody is listening to their bounds, or in the simplest case will just walk up the tree and notify that bounds have changed.

protected abstract impl_createPGNode() : com.sun.javafx.sg.PGNode
public impl_effectChanged() : Void

Invoked whenever the effect has changed internally.

Invoked whenever the effect has changed internally.

public impl_getLeafTransform() : com.sun.javafx.geom.AffineTransform

Currently used only by Toolkit.createAnimationPathHelper().

Currently used only by Toolkit.createAnimationPathHelper().

public impl_getPGNode() : com.sun.javafx.sg.PGNode
public impl_getPivotX() : Number
public impl_getPivotY() : Number
public impl_isInitialized() : Boolean

Note I use a private variable / public function pair to avoid creation of a Location object and to prevent binding to the initialized variable.

Note I use a private variable / public function pair to avoid creation of a Location object and to prevent binding to the initialized variable.

protected impl_processKeyEvent(e: KeyEvent) : Void
protected impl_processMouseEvent(e: MouseEvent) : Void
public impl_requestFocusImpl(f: com.sun.javafx.functions.Function0) : Void

Some nodes require a special handling to request focus.

Some nodes require a special handling to request focus.

public impl_transformsChanged() : Void

Invoked whenever the transforms[] sequence changes, or by the transforms in that sequence whenever they are changed.

Invoked whenever the transforms[] sequence changes, or by the transforms in that sequence whenever they are changed.

public intersects(localX: Number, localY: Number, localWidth: Number, localHeight: Number) : Boolean

Returns true if the given rectangle (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) intersects the shape of this Node.

Returns true if the given rectangle (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) intersects the shape of this Node. Note that this method does not take visibility into account; the test is based on the geometry of this Node only. The default behavior of this function is simply to check if the given coordinates intersect with the local bounds.


Profile: common

public intersects(localBounds: Bounds) : Boolean

Returns true if the given bounds (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) intersects the shape of this Node.

Returns true if the given bounds (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) intersects the shape of this Node. Note that this method does not take visibility into account; the test is based on the geometry of this Node only. The default behavior of this function is simply to check if the given coordinates intersect with the local bounds.


Profile: common

public localToParent(localX: Number, localY: Number) : Point2D

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.


Profile: common

public localToParent(localPoint: Point2D) : Point2D

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.


Profile: common

public localToParent(localBounds: Bounds) : Bounds

Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.

Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its parent.


Profile: common

public localToScene(localX: Number, localY: Number) : Point2D

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its javafx.scene.Scene.

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its javafx.scene.Scene.


Profile: common

public localToScene(localPoint: Point2D) : Point2D

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its javafx.scene.Scene.

Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its javafx.scene.Scene.


Profile: common

public localToScene(localBounds: Bounds) : Bounds

Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its javafx.scene.Scene.

Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of its javafx.scene.Scene.


Profile: common

public lookup(id: java.lang.String) : Node

Finds this Node, or the first subnode, with the given id.

Finds this Node, or the first subnode, with the given id. If multiple subnodes have the same id, this function returns one of them. Which node it returns in that case is unspecified.

The id of the node to find
The first node, starting from this Node , which has an id of id .

Profile: common

public parentToLocal(parentX: Number, parentY: Number) : Point2D

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.


Profile: common

public parentToLocal(parentPoint: Point2D) : Point2D

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.


Profile: common

public parentToLocal(parentBounds: Bounds) : Bounds

Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space of this Node.


Profile: common

public requestFocus() : Void

Requests that this Node get the input focus, and that this Node's top-level ancestor become the focused Window.

Requests that this Node get the input focus, and that this Node's top-level ancestor become the focused Window. If this node is not part of a scene graph rooted in a stage that is visible and can accept input focus, then calls to request focus will not cause this Node to become focused.

Profile: common

public sceneToLocal(sceneX: Number, sceneY: Number) : Point2D

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.


Profile: common

public sceneToLocal(scenePoint: Point2D) : Point2D

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the javafx.scene.Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the javafx.scene.Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.


Profile: common

public sceneToLocal(sceneBounds: Bounds) : Bounds

Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the javafx.scene.Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.

Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the javafx.scene.Scene into the local coordinate space of this Node.


Profile: common

public toBack() : Void

Moves this Node to the back of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order.

Moves this Node to the back of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order. This is accomplished by moving this Node to the first position in its parent's content sequence. This function has no effect if this Node is not part of a group.

Profile: common

public toFront() : Void

Moves this Node to the front of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order.

Moves this Node to the front of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order. This is accomplished by moving this Node to the last position in its parent's content sequence. This function has no effect if this Node is not part of a group.

Profile: common

public toString() : java.lang.String


public getMaxHeight() : Number

Returns the maximum height of the Resizable.

Returns the maximum height of the Resizable. Layout containers should strive not to set the Resizable's height larger than this value. This value is computed by the node subclass using applicable state and variable settings and is not directly settable by applications.


Profile: common

public getMaxWidth() : Number

Returns the preferred height of the Resizable.

Returns the preferred height of the Resizable. Layout containers should strive not to set the Resizable's width larger than this value. This value is computed by the node subclass using applicable state and variable settings and is not directly settable by applications.


Profile: common

public getMinHeight() : Number

Returns the minimum height of the Resizable.

Returns the minimum height of the Resizable. Layout containers should strive not to set the Node's height smaller than this value. This value is computed by the node subclass using applicable state and variable settings and is not directly settable by applications.


Profile: common

public getMinWidth() : Number

Returns the minimum width of the Resizable.

Returns the minimum width of the Resizable. Layout containers should strive not to set the Node's width smaller than this value. This value is calculated by the node subclass using applicable state and variable settings and is not directly settable by applications.


Profile: common

public abstract getPrefHeight(width: Number) : Number

Returns the preferred height of the Resizable given the specified width.

Returns the preferred height of the Resizable given the specified width. If a particular width need not be factored into the result, -1 may be passed in as the width parameter. Implementations of this function may also choose to ignore width if it does not impact the result.

Layout containers should set the Resizable's height to this value whenever possible. This value is computed by the node subclass using applicable state and variable settings and is not directly settable by applications.


Profile: common

public abstract getPrefWidth(height: Number) : Number

Returns the preferred width of the Resizable given the specified height.

Returns the preferred width of the Resizable given the specified height. If a particular height need not be factored into the result, -1 may be passed in as the height parameter. Implementations of this function may also choose to ignore height if it does not impact the result.

Layout containers should set the Resizable's width to this value whenever possible. This value is computed by the node subclass using applicable state and variable settings and is not directly settable by applications.


Profile: common