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JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

Profile: desktop, common


Represents a distant light source.

the code:

import javafx.scene.*;
    import javafx.scene.effect.*;
    import javafx.scene.effect.light.*;
    import javafx.scene.paint.*;
    import javafx.scene.shape.*;
    import javafx.scene.text.*;

    Group {
    var t:Text;
    content: [
    Rectangle {
    width: bind t.layoutBounds.width+30
    height: bind t.layoutBounds.height+20
    fill: Color.BLACK
    t = Text {
    effect: Lighting {
    light: DistantLight { azimuth: -135 elevation: 30 }
    surfaceScale: 5
    textOrigin: TextOrigin.TOP
    x: 10 y: 10
    content: "DistantLight"
    fill: Color.RED
    font: Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 90);

Profile: desktop

Variable Summary

access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public azimuth Number 45.0

The azimuth of the light.

The azimuth of the light. The azimuth is the direction angle for the light source on the XY plane, in degrees.

       Min:  n/a
       Max:  n/a
   Default: 45.0
  Identity:  n/a

public elevation Number 45.0

The elevation of the light.

The elevation of the light. The elevation is the direction angle for the light source on the YZ plane, in degrees.

       Min:  n/a
       Max:  n/a
   Default: 45.0
  Identity:  n/a


Inherited Variables


access name type Can Read Can Init Can Write Default Value description
public color Color WHITE

The color of the light source.

The color of the light source.

       Min: n/a
       Max: n/a
   Default: Color.WHITE
  Identity: n/a


Function Summary

public impl_getImpl() : com.sun.scenario.effect.light.Light

Inherited Functions


public abstract impl_getImpl() : com.sun.scenario.effect.light.Light