Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
002 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
003 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
004 */
006package netscape.javascript;
009// FIXME: need URL on java.sun.com for new LiveConnect spec
012 * <P> Allows Java code to manipulate JavaScript objects. </P>
013 *
014 * <P> When a JavaScript object is passed or returned to Java code, it
015 * is wrapped in an instance of <CODE>JSObject</CODE>. When a
016 * <CODE>JSObject</CODE> instance is passed to the JavaScript engine,
017 * it is unwrapped back to its original JavaScript object. The
018 * <CODE>JSObject</CODE> class provides a way to invoke JavaScript
019 * methods and examine JavaScript properties. </P>
020 *
021 * <P> Any data returned from the JavaScript engine to Java is
022 * converted to Java data types. Certain data passed to the JavaScript
023 * engine is converted to JavaScript data types. See the section on <A
024 * HREF="http://jdk6.java.net/plugin2/liveconnect/index.html#JAVA_JS_CONVERSIONS">
025 * Data Type Conversions</A> in the <A
026 * HREF="http://jdk6.java.net/plugin2/liveconnect">LiveConnect Specification</A>
027 * for details on how values are converted. </P>
028 *
029 */
030public abstract class JSObject {
032    /**
033     * Constructs a new JSObject. Users should not call this method
034     * nor subclass JSObject.
035     */
036    protected JSObject()  {
037    }
039    /**
040     * <p> Calls a JavaScript method. Equivalent to
041     * "this.methodName(args[0], args[1], ...)" in JavaScript.
042     * </p>
043     *
044     * @param methodName The name of the JavaScript method to be invoked.
045     * @param args An array of Java object to be passed as arguments to the method.
046     * @return Result of the method.
047     */
048    public abstract Object call(String methodName, Object... args) throws JSException;
050    /**
051     * <p> Evaluates a JavaScript expression. The expression is a string of
052     * JavaScript source code which will be evaluated in the context given by
053     * "this".
054     * </p>
055     *
056     * @param s The JavaScript expression.
057     * @return Result of the JavaScript evaluation.
058     */
059    public abstract Object eval(String s) throws JSException;
061    /**
062     * <p> Retrieves a named member of a JavaScript object. Equivalent to
063     * "this.name" in JavaScript.
064     * </p>
065     *
066     * @param name The name of the JavaScript property to be accessed.
067     * @return The value of the propery.
068     */
069    public abstract Object getMember(String name) throws JSException;
071    /**
072     * <p> Sets a named member of a JavaScript object. Equivalent to
073     * "this.name = value" in JavaScript.
074     * </p>
075     *
076     * @param name The name of the JavaScript property to be accessed.
077     * @param value The value of the propery.
078     */
079    public abstract void setMember(String name, Object value) throws JSException;
081    /**
082     * <p> Removes a named member of a JavaScript object. Equivalent
083     * to "delete this.name" in JavaScript.
084     * </p>
085     *
086     * @param name The name of the JavaScript property to be removed.
087     */
088    public abstract void removeMember(String name) throws JSException;
090    /**
091     * <p> Retrieves an indexed member of a JavaScript object. Equivalent to
092     * "this[index]" in JavaScript.
093     * </p>
094     *
095     * @param index The index of the array to be accessed.
096     * @return The value of the indexed member.
097     */
098    public abstract Object getSlot(int index) throws JSException;
100    /**
101     * <p> Sets an indexed member of a JavaScript object. Equivalent to
102     * "this[index] = value" in JavaScript.
103     * </p>
104     *
105     * @param index The index of the array to be accessed.
106     */
107    public abstract void setSlot(int index, Object value) throws JSException;
109    /* *
110     * <p> Returns a JSObject for the window containing the given applet.
111     * </p>
112     *
113     * @param applet The applet.
114     * @return JSObject for the window containing the given applet.
115     * /
116    public static JSObject getWindow(Applet applet) throws JSException {
118        try
119        {
120            if (applet != null)
121            {
123                String obj = (String) applet.getParameter("MAYSCRIPT");
125                // Comment out MAYSCRIPT check because Internet Explorer doesn't support
126                // it.
127//              if (obj != null && (obj.equals("") || (new Boolean(obj).booleanValue() == true)))
128                {
129                    // MAYSCRIPT is enabled
131                    AppletContext c = applet.getAppletContext();
133                    // The applet context must implement the sun.plugin.javascript.JSContext
134                    // in order for us to get the handle that can be used when evaluating
135                    // JavaScript expression.
136                    //
137                    JSObject ret = null;
139                    if (c instanceof sun.plugin.javascript.JSContext)
140                    {
141                        JSContext j = (JSContext) c;
142                        ret = j.getJSObject();
143                    }
145                    if (ret != null) {
146                        return ret;
147                    }
148                }
149            } else {
150                // new code for CustomProgress to get the JSObject w/o applet
151                AppContext ac = ToolkitStore.get().getAppContext();
152                if (ac != null) {
153                    Object context = ac.get(sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.APPCONTEXT_PLUGIN2HOST_KEY);
154                    if (context != null && (context instanceof JSContext)) {
155                        JSContext jsc = (JSContext) context;
156                        JSObject ret = jsc.getOneWayJSObject();
157                        if (ret != null) {
158                           return ret;
159                        }
160                    }
161                }
162            }
163        }
164        catch (Throwable e)
165        {
166            throw (JSException) new JSException(JSException.EXCEPTION_TYPE_ERROR, e).initCause(e);
167        }
169        throw new JSException();
170    }
171    */