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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Библиотека разработчика Mac Разработчик


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HTTP::Status(3)                      User Contributed Perl Documentation                     HTTP::Status(3)

       HTTP::Status - HTTP Status code processing

        use HTTP::Status qw(:constants :is status_message);

        if ($rc != HTTP_OK) {
            print status_message($rc), "\n";

        if (is_success($rc)) { ... }
        if (is_error($rc)) { ... }
        if (is_redirect($rc)) { ... }

       HTTP::Status is a library of routines for defining and classifying HTTP status codes for libwww-perl.
       Status codes are used to encode the overall outcome of an HTTP response message.  Codes correspond to
       those defined in RFC 2616 and RFC 2518.

       The following constant functions can be used as mnemonic status code names.  None of these are
       exported by default.  Use the ":constants" tag to import them all.

          HTTP_CONTINUE                        (100)
          HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS             (101)
          HTTP_PROCESSING                      (102)

          HTTP_OK                              (200)
          HTTP_CREATED                         (201)
          HTTP_ACCEPTED                        (202)
          HTTP_NO_CONTENT                      (204)
          HTTP_RESET_CONTENT                   (205)
          HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT                 (206)
          HTTP_MULTI_STATUS                    (207)
          HTTP_ALREADY_REPORTED                (208)

          HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES                (300)
          HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY               (301)
          HTTP_FOUND                           (302)
          HTTP_SEE_OTHER                       (303)
          HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED                    (304)
          HTTP_USE_PROXY                       (305)
          HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT              (307)

          HTTP_BAD_REQUEST                     (400)
          HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED                    (401)
          HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED                (402)
          HTTP_FORBIDDEN                       (403)
          HTTP_NOT_FOUND                       (404)
          HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED              (405)
          HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE                  (406)
          HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT                 (408)
          HTTP_CONFLICT                        (409)
          HTTP_GONE                            (410)
          HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED                 (411)
          HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED             (412)
          HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE        (413)
          HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE           (414)
          HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE          (415)
          HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED              (417)
          HTTP_I_AM_A_TEAPOT                   (418)
          HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY            (422)
          HTTP_LOCKED                          (423)
          HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY               (424)
          HTTP_NO_CODE                         (425)
          HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED                (426)
          HTTP_PRECONDITION_REQUIRED           (428)
          HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS               (429)
          HTTP_RETRY_WITH                      (449)

          HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR           (500)
          HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED                 (501)
          HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY                     (502)
          HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE             (503)
          HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT                 (504)
          HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES         (506)
          HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE            (507)
          HTTP_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED        (509)
          HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED                    (510)

       The following additional functions are provided.  Most of them are exported by default.  The ":is"
       import tag can be used to import all the classification functions.

       status_message( $code )
           The status_message() function will translate status codes to human readable strings. The string
           is the same as found in the constant names above.  If the $code is unknown, then "undef" is

       is_info( $code )
           Return TRUE if $code is an Informational status code (1xx).  This class of status code indicates
           a provisional response which can't have any content.

       is_success( $code )
           Return TRUE if $code is a Successful status code (2xx).

       is_redirect( $code )
           Return TRUE if $code is a Redirection status code (3xx). This class of status code indicates that
           further action needs to be taken by the user agent in order to fulfill the request.

       is_error( $code )
           Return TRUE if $code is an Error status code (4xx or 5xx).  The function returns TRUE for both
           client and server error status codes.

       is_client_error( $code )
           Return TRUE if $code is a Client Error status code (4xx). This class of status code is intended
           for cases in which the client seems to have erred.

           This function is not exported by default.

       is_server_error( $code )
           Return TRUE if $code is a Server Error status code (5xx). This class of status codes is intended
           for cases in which the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable of performing the

           This function is not exported by default.

       For legacy reasons all the "HTTP_" constants are exported by default with the prefix "RC_".  It's
       recommended to use explicit imports and the ":constants" tag instead of relying on this.

perl v5.16.2                                     2012-02-16                                  HTTP::Status(3)

Сообщение о проблемах

Способ сообщить о проблеме с этой страницей руководства зависит от типа проблемы:

Ошибки содержания
Ошибки отчета в содержании этой документации к проекту Perl. (См. perlbug (1) для инструкций представления.)
Отчеты об ошибках
Сообщите об ошибках в функциональности описанного инструмента или API к Apple через Генератор отчетов Ошибки и к проекту Perl, использующему perlbug (1).
Форматирование проблем
Отчет, форматирующий ошибки в интерактивной версии этих страниц со ссылками на отзыв ниже.