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Parse::Eyapp::translationschemestut(3)ser Contributed Perl Documentationrse::Eyapp::translationschemestut(3)

       Parse::Eyapp::translationschemestut - Introduction to Translation Schemes in Eyapp

       A translation scheme scheme is a context free grammar where the right hand sides of the productions
       have been augmented with semantic actions (i.e. with chunks of Perl code):

                                       A -> alpha { action(@_) } beta

       The analyzer generated by "Parse::Eyapp" executes "action()" after all the semantic actions
       associated with "alpha" have been executed and before the execution of any of the semantic actions
       associated with "beta".

       In a translation scheme the embedded actions modify the attributes associated with the symbols of the

                                       A -> alpha { action(@_) } beta

       each symbol on the right hand side of a production rule has an associated scalar attribute. In
       ordinary "eyapp" programs the attributes of the symbol to the left of "action" are passed as
       arguments to "action" (in the example, those of "alpha").  These arguments are preceded by a
       reference to the syntax analyzer object.  There is no way inside an ordinary "eyapp" program for an
       intermediate "action" to access the attributes of the symbols on its right, i.e. those associated
       with the symbols of "beta". This restriction is lifted if you  use the %metatree directive.

       Eyapp allows through the %metatree directive the creation of Translation Schemes where the actions
       have access to almost any node of the syntax tree.

       When using the %metatree directive semantic actions aren't immediately executed. Instead they are
       inserted as nodes of the syntax tree. The main difference with ordinary nodes being that the
       attribute of such a "CODE" node is a reference to the anonymous subroutine representing the semantic
       action.  The tree is later traversed in depth-first order using the "$t->translation_scheme" method:
       each time a "CODE" node is visited  the action is executed.

       The following example parses a tiny subset of a typical typed language and decorates the syntax tree
       with a new attribute "t" holding the type of each declared variable:

        use strict; # File examples/trans_scheme_simple_decls4.pl
        use Data::Dumper;
        use Parse::Eyapp;
        our %s; # symbol table

        my $ts = q{
          %token FLOAT INTEGER NAME

          our %s;


          Dl:  D <* ';'>

          D : $T { $L->{t} = $T->{t} } $L

          T : FLOAT    { $lhs->{t} = "FLOAT" }
            | INTEGER  { $lhs->{t} = "INTEGER" }

          L : $NAME
                { $NAME->{t} = $lhs->{t}; $s{$NAME->{attr}} = $NAME }
            | $NAME { $NAME->{t} = $lhs->{t}; $L->{t} = $lhs->{t} } ',' $L
                { $s{$NAME->{attr}} = $NAME }
        }; # end $ts

        sub Error { die "Error sintA~Xctico\n"; }

        { # Closure of $input, %reserved_words and $validchars
          my $input = "";
          my %reserved_words = ();
          my $validchars = "";

          sub parametrize__scanner {
            $input = shift;
            %reserved_words = %{shift()};
            $validchars = shift;

          sub scanner {
            $input =~ m{\G\s+}gc;                     # skip whites
            if ($input =~ m{\G([a-z_A_Z]\w*)\b}gc) {
              my $w = uc($1);                 # upper case the word
              return ($w, $w) if exists $reserved_words{$w};
              return ('NAME', $1);            # not a reserved word
            return ($1, $1) if ($input =~ m/\G([$validchars])/gc);
            die "Not valid token: $1\n" if ($input =~ m/\G(\S)/gc);
            return ('', undef); # end of file
        } # end closure

        my $parser = main->new(yylex => \&scanner, yyerror => \&Error);

          "float x,y;\ninteger a,b\n",
          { INTEGER => 'INTEGER', FLOAT => 'FLOAT'},

        my $t = $parser->YYParse() or die "Syntax Error analyzing input";


        $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
        $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
        $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy  = 1;
        $Data::Dumper::Deparse = 1;
        print Dumper($t);
        print Dumper(\%s);

       Inside a Translation Scheme the lexical variable $lhs refers to the attribute of the father.

       The execution of a Translation Scheme can be divided in the following stages:

       1. During the first stage the grammar is analyzed and the parser is built:

           This stage is called Class Construction Time

       2. A parser conforming to the generated grammar is built
             my $parser = main->new(yylex => \&scanner, yyerror => \&Error);

           This stage is called  Parser Construction Time

       3. The next phase is Tree construction time. The input is set and the tree is built:
               "float x,y;\ninteger a,b\n",
               { INTEGER => 'INTEGER', FLOAT => 'FLOAT'},

             my $t = $parser->YYParse() or die "Syntax Error analyzing input";

       4. The last stage is Execution Time. The tree is traversed in depth first order and the "CODE" nodes
       are executed.

       This combination of bottom-up parsing with depth first traversing leads to a semantic behavior
       similar to recursive top-down parsers but with two advantages:

          The grammar can be left-recursive

          At the time of executing the action the syntax tree is already built, therefore we can refer to
           nodes on the right side of the action like in:

                                 D : $T { $L->{t} = $T->{t} } $L

       The "%begin { code }" directive  can be used when building a translation scheme, i.e. when under the
       control of the %metatree directive.  It indicates that such "{ code }" will be executed at tree
       construction time. Therefore the code receives as arguments the references to the nodes of the branch
       than is being built.  Usually begin code assist in the construction of the tree.  Line 39 of the
       following code shows an example.  The action "{ $exp }" simplifies the syntax tree bypassing the
       parenthesis node. The example also illustrates the combined use of default actions and translation

         pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ cat -n trans_scheme_default_action.pl
            1  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
            2  use strict;
            3  use Data::Dumper;
            4  use Parse::Eyapp;
            5  use IO::Interactive qw(is_interactive);
            7  my $translationscheme = q{
            8  %{
            9  # head code is available at tree construction time
           10  use Data::Dumper;
           11  our %sym; # symbol table
           12  %}
           14  %defaultaction {
           15     $lhs->{n} = eval " $left->{n} $_[2]->{attr} $right->{n} "
           16  }
           18  %metatree
           20  %right   '='
           21  %left   '-' '+'
           22  %left   '*' '/'
           24  %%
           25  line:       %name EXP
           26                exp <+ ';'> /* Expressions separated by semicolons */
           27                  { $lhs->{n} = $_[1]->Last_child->{n} }
           28  ;
           30  exp:
           31              %name PLUS
           32                exp.left '+' exp.right
           33          |   %name MINUS
           34                exp.left '-' exp.right
           35          |   %name TIMES
           36                exp.left '*' exp.right
           37          |   %name DIV
           38                exp.left '/' exp.right
           39          |   %name NUM
           40                $NUM
           41                  { $lhs->{n} = $NUM->{attr} }
           42          |   '(' $exp ')'  %begin { $exp }
           43          |   %name VAR
           44                $VAR
           45                  { $lhs->{n} = $sym{$VAR->{attr}}->{n} }
           46          |   %name ASSIGN
           47                $VAR '=' $exp
           48                  { $lhs->{n} = $sym{$VAR->{attr}}->{n} = $exp->{n} }
           50  ;
           52  %%
           53  # tail code is available at tree construction time
           54  sub _Error {
           55    die "Syntax error.\n";
           56  }
           58  sub _Lexer {
           59      my($parser)=shift;
           61      for ($parser->YYData->{INPUT}) {
           62          s/^\s+//;
           63          $_ or  return('',undef);
           64          s/^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)// and return('NUM',$1);
           65          s/^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)// and return('VAR',$1);
           66          s/^(.)// and return($1,$1);
           67      }
           68      return('',undef);
           69  }
           71  sub Run {
           72      my($self)=shift;
           73      return $self->YYParse( yylex => \&_Lexer, yyerror => \&_Error );
           74  }
           75  }; # end translation scheme
           77  sub TERMINAL::info { $_[0]->attr }
           79  my $p = Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(
           80    input=>$translationscheme,
           81    classname=>'main',
           82    firstline => 6,
           83    outputfile => 'main.pm');
           84  die $p->qtables() if $p->Warnings;
           85  my $parser = main->new();
           86  print "Write a sequence of arithmetic expressions: " if is_interactive();
           87  $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = <>;
           88  my $t = $parser->Run() or die "Syntax Error analyzing input";
           89  $t->translation_scheme;
           91  $Parse::Eyapp::Node::INDENT = 2;
           92  my $treestring = $t->str;
           94  $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
           95  $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
           96  $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy  = 1;
           97  our %sym;
           98  my $symboltable = Dumper(\%sym);
          100  print <<"EOR";
          101  ***********Tree*************
          102  $treestring
          103  ******Symbol table**********
          104  $symboltable
          105  ************Result**********
          106  $t->{n}
          108  EOR

       When executed with input "a=2*3;b=a*a" the program produces an output similar to this:

         pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ trans_scheme_default_action.pl
         Write a sequence of arithmetic expressions: a=2*3;b=a*a

                 NUM(TERMINAL[2], CODE),
                 NUM(TERMINAL[3], CODE),
               ) # TIMES,
             ) # ASSIGN,
                 VAR(TERMINAL[a], CODE),
                 VAR(TERMINAL[a], CODE),
               ) # TIMES,
             ) # ASSIGN
           ) # _PLUS_LIST,
         ) # EXP
         ******Symbol table**********
           'a' => {
             'n' => 6
           'b' => {
             'n' => 36


          The project home is at http://code.google.com/p/parse-eyapp/ <http://code .google.com/p/parse-
           eyapp/>.  Use a subversion client to anonymously check out the latest project source code:

              svn checkout http://parse-eyapp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ parse-eyapp-read-only

          The tutorial Parsing Strings and Trees with "Parse::Eyapp" (An Introduction to Compiler
           Construction in seven pages) in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/eyapsimple/>

          Parse::Eyapp, Parse::Eyapp::eyapplanguageref, Parse::Eyapp::debuggingtut,
           Parse::Eyapp::defaultactionsintro, Parse::Eyapp::translationschemestut, Parse::Eyapp::Driver,
           Parse::Eyapp::Node, Parse::Eyapp::YATW, Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp, Parse::Eyapp::Scope,
           Parse::Eyapp::Base, Parse::Eyapp::datagenerationtut

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/languageintro.pdf>

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/debuggingtut.pdf>

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/eyapplanguageref.pdf>

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/Treeregexp.pdf>

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/Node.pdf>

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/YATW.pdf>

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/Eyapp.pdf>

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/Base.pdf>

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/translationschemestut.pdf>

          The pdf file in <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/treematchingtut.pdf>

          perldoc eyapp,

          perldoc treereg,

          perldoc vgg,

          The Syntax Highlight file for vim at <http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2453> and

          Analisis Lexico y Sintactico, (Notes for a course in compiler construction) by  Casiano
           Rodriguez-Leon.  Available at  <http://nereida.deioc.ull.es/~pl/perlexamples/> Is the more
           complete and reliable source for Parse::Eyapp. However is in Spanish.


          Man pages of yacc(1) and bison(1), <http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/bison/bison.html>





          ocamlyacc tutorial at
           <http://plus .kaist.ac.kr / ~ shoh/ocaml/ocamllex-ocamlyacc/ocamlyacc-tutorial/ocamlyacc-

          The classic Dragon's book Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi
           Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman (Addison-Wesley 1986)

          CS2121: The Implementation and Power of Programming Languages (See
           <http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~pjj>, <http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~pjj/complang/g2lr.html> and
           <http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~pjj/cs2121/ho/ho.html>) by Pete Jinks

        Hal Finkel <http://www.halssoftware.com/>

        G. Williams <http://kasei.us/>

        Thomas L. Shinnick <http://search.cpan.org/~tshinnic/>

        Frank Leray

       Casiano Rodriguez-Leon (casiano@ull.es)

       This work has been supported by CEE (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministry of Educacion y Ciencia through
       Plan Nacional I+D+I number TIN2005-08818-C04-04 (ULL::OPLINK project <http://www.oplink.ull.es/>).
       Support from Gobierno de Canarias was through GC02210601 (Grupos Consolidados).  The University of La
       Laguna has also supported my work in many ways and for many years.

       A large percentage of  code is verbatim taken from Parse::Yapp 1.05.  The author of Parse::Yapp is
       Francois Desarmenien.

       I wish to thank Francois Desarmenien for his Parse::Yapp module, to my students at La Laguna and to
       the Perl Community. Thanks to the people who have contributed to improve the module (see
       "CONTRIBUTORS" in Parse::Eyapp).  Thanks to Larry Wall for giving us Perl.  Special thanks to Juana.

       Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Casiano Rodriguez-Leon (casiano@ull.es). All rights reserved.

       Parse::Yapp copyright is of Francois Desarmenien, all rights reserved. 1998-2001

       These modules are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       Perl itself. See perlartistic.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
       even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

perl v5.16.2                                     2012-03-23           Parse::Eyapp::translationschemestut(3)

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