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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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Tcl_Namespace(3)                           Tcl Library Procedures                           Tcl_Namespace(3)


       Tcl_AppendExportList,    Tcl_CreateNamespace,   Tcl_DeleteNamespace,   Tcl_Export,   Tcl_FindCommand,
       Tcl_FindNamespace, Tcl_ForgetImport, Tcl_GetCurrentNamespace,  Tcl_GetGlobalNamespace,  Tcl_GetNames-paceUnknownHandler, Tcl_GetNamespaceUnknownHandler,
       paceUnknownHandler, Tcl_Import, Tcl_SetNamespaceUnknownHandler - manipulate namespaces

       #include <tcl.h>

       Tcl_Namespace *
       Tcl_CreateNamespace(interp, name, clientData, deleteProc)


       Tcl_AppendExportList(interp, nsPtr, objPtr)

       Tcl_Export(interp, nsPtr, pattern, resetListFirst)

       Tcl_Import(interp, nsPtr, pattern, allowOverwrite)

       Tcl_ForgetImport(interp, nsPtr, pattern)

       Tcl_Namespace *

       Tcl_Namespace *

       Tcl_Namespace *
       Tcl_FindNamespace(interp, name, contextNsPtr, flags)

       Tcl_FindCommand(interp, name, contextNsPtr, flags)

       Tcl_Obj *
       Tcl_GetNamespaceUnknownHandler(interp, nsPtr)

       Tcl_SetNamespaceUnknownHandler(interp, nsPtr, handlerPtr)

       Tcl_Interp *interp (in/out)                          The  interpreter  in  which the namespace exists
                                                            and where name lookups are performed. Also where
                                                            error result messages are written.

       const char *name (in)                                The  name of the namespace or command to be cre-ated created
                                                            ated or accessed.

       ClientData clientData (in)                           A context pointer by the creator of  the  names-pace. namespace.
                                                            pace.  Not interpreted by Tcl at all.

       Tcl_NamespaceDeleteProc *deleteProc (in)             A pointer to function to call when the namespace
                                                            is deleted, or NULL if no such callback is to be

       Tcl_Namespace *nsPtr (in)                            The  namespace  to  be manipulated, or NULL (for
                                                            other than  Tcl_DeleteNamespace)  to  manipulate
                                                            the current namespace.

       Tcl_Obj *objPtr (out)                                A  reference  to an unshared object to which the
                                                            function output will be written.

       const char *pattern (in)                             The  glob-style  pattern  (see  Tcl_StringMatch)
                                                            that  describes  the  commands to be imported or

       int resetListFirst (in)                              Whether the list of export  patterns  should  be
                                                            reset before adding the current pattern to it.

       int allowOverwrite (in)                              Whether  new  commands  created  by  this import
                                                            action can overwrite existing commands.

       Tcl_Namespace *contextNsPtr (in)                     The location in the  namespace  hierarchy  where
                                                            the  search for a namespace or command should be
                                                            conducted relative to when the  search  term  is
                                                            not  rooted at the global namespace.  NULL indi-cates indicates
                                                            cates the current namespace.

       int flags (in)                                       OR-ed combination of bits  controlling  how  the
                                                            search  is to be performed.  The following flags
                                                            are supported: TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY  (indicates  that
                                                            the search is always to be conducted relative to
                                                            the global namespace), TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY  (just
                                                            for  Tcl_FindCommand;  indicates that the search
                                                            is always to be conducted relative to  the  con-text context
                                                            text  namespace),  and  TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG (indi-cates (indicates
                                                            cates that an error message should  be  left  in
                                                            the interpreter if the search fails.)

       Tcl_Obj *handlerPtr (in)                             A script fragment to be installed as the unknown
                                                            command handler for the namespace,  or  NULL  to
                                                            reset the handler to its default.

       Namespaces  are  hierarchic naming contexts that can contain commands and variables.  They also main-tain maintain
       tain a list of patterns that describes what commands are exported, and can import commands that  have
       been exported by other namespaces.  Namespaces can also be manipulated through the Tcl command names-pace. namespace.

       The Tcl_Namespace structure encapsulates a namespace, and is guaranteed to have the following  fields
       in  it:  name  (the  local  name of the namespace, with no namespace separator characters in it, with
       empty denoting the global namespace), fullName (the fully specified name of the  namespace),  client-Data, clientData,
       Data,  deleteProc (the values specified in the call to Tcl_CreateNamespace), and parentPtr (a pointer
       to the containing namespace, or NULL for the global namespace.)

       Tcl_CreateNamespace creates a new namespace.  The deleteProc will have the following type signature:
              typedef void (Tcl_NamespaceDeleteProc) (ClientData clientData);

       Tcl_DeleteNamespace deletes a namespace.

       Tcl_AppendExportList retrieves the export patterns for a namespace given namespace and  appends  them
       (as list items) to objPtr.

       Tcl_Export sets and appends to the export patterns for a namespace.  Patterns are appended unless the
       resetListFirst flag is true.

       Tcl_Import imports commands matching a pattern into a namespace.  Note that the pattern must  include
       the  name  of the namespace to import from.  This function returns an error if an attempt to import a
       command over an existing command is made, unless the allowOverwrite flag has been set.

       Tcl_ForgetImport removes imports matching a pattern.

       Tcl_GetCurrentNamespace returns the current namespace for an interpreter.

       Tcl_GetGlobalNamespace returns the global namespace for an interpreter.

       Tcl_FindNamespace searches for a namespace named name  within  the  context  of  the  namespace  con-textNsPtr. contextNsPtr.
       textNsPtr.  If the namespace cannot be found, NULL is returned.

       Tcl_FindCommand  searches  for a command named name within the context of the namespace contextNsPtr.
       If the command cannot be found, NULL is returned.

       Tcl_GetNamespaceUnknownHandler returns the unknown command handler for the namespace, or NULL if none
       is set.

       Tcl_SetNamespaceUnknownHandler  sets  the unknown command handler for the namespace. If handlerPtr is
       NULL, then the handler is reset to its default.

       Tcl_CreateCommand, Tcl_ListObjAppendElements, Tcl_SetVar

       namespace, command

Tcl                                                  8.5                                    Tcl_Namespace(3)

Сообщение о проблемах

Способ сообщить о проблеме с этой страницей руководства зависит от типа проблемы:

Ошибки содержания
Ошибки отчета в содержании этой документации к проекту Tcl.
Отчеты об ошибках
Сообщите об ошибках в функциональности описанного инструмента или API к Apple через Генератор отчетов Ошибки и к проекту Tcl через их страницу создания отчетов ошибки.
Форматирование проблем
Отчет, форматирующий ошибки в интерактивной версии этих страниц со ссылками на отзыв ниже.