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doctools::toc::import(n)                     Documentation tools                    doctools::toc::import(n)


       doctools::toc::import - Importing keyword indices

       package require doctools::toc::import  ?0.1?

       package require Tcl  8.4

       package require doctools::config

       package require doctools::toc::structure

       package require snit

       package require pluginmgr

       ::doctools::toc::import objectName

       objectName method ?arg arg ...?

       objectName destroy

       objectName import text text ?format?

       objectName import file path ?format?

       objectName import object text object text ?format?

       objectName import object file object path ?format?

       objectName config names

       objectName config get

       objectName config set name ?value?

       objectName config unset pattern...

       objectName includes

       objectName include add path

       objectName include remove path

       objectName include clear

       IncludeFile currentfile path

       import text configuration


       This  package  provides a class to manage the plugins for the import of tables of contents from other
       formats, i.e. their conversion from, for example doctoc, json, etc.

       This is one of the three public pillars the management of tables of contents resides  on.  The  other
       two pillars are

       [1]    Exporting tables of contents, and

       [2]    Holding tables of contents

       For  information  about  the Concepts of tables of contents, and their parts, see the same-named sec-tion. section.
       tion.  For information about the data structure which is the major output of the manager objects pro-vided provided
       vided by this package see the section ToC serialization format.

       The  plugin system of our class is based on the package pluginmgr, and configured to look for plugins

       [1]    the environment variable DOCTOOLS_TOC_IMPORT_PLUGINS,

       [2]    the environment variable DOCTOOLS_TOC_PLUGINS,

       [3]    the environment variable DOCTOOLS_PLUGINS,

       [4]    the path "~/.doctools/toc/import/plugin"

       [5]    the path "~/.doctools/toc/plugin"

       [6]    the path "~/.doctools/plugin"

       [7]    the path "~/.doctools/toc/import/plugins"

       [8]    the path "~/.doctools/toc/plugins"

       [9]    the path "~/.doctools/plugins"


       [11]   the registry entry "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\DOCTOOLS\TOC\PLUGINS"

       [12]   the registry entry "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\DOCTOOLS\PLUGINS"

       The last three are used only when the package is run on a machine using Windows(tm) operating system.

       The whole system is delivered with two predefined import plugins, namely

       doctoc See doctoc import plugin for details.

       json   See json import plugin for details.

       Readers  wishing  to  write their own import plugin for some format, i.e.  plugin writers reading and
       understanding the section containing the Import plugin API v2 reference is an absolute necessity,  as
       it specifies the interaction between this package and its plugins in detail.

       [1]    A table of contents consists of a (possibly empty) list of elements.

       [2]    Each element in the list is identified by its label.

       [3]    Each element is either a reference, or a division.

       [4]    Each reference has an associated document, identified by a symbolic id, and a textual descrip-tion. description.

       [5]    Each division may have an associated document, identified by a symbolic id.

       [6]    Each division consists consists of a (possibly empty) list of elements, with each element fol-lowing following
              lowing the rules as specified in item 2 and above.

       A few notes

       [1]    The  above  rules span up a tree of elements, with references as the leaf nodes, and divisions
              as the inner nodes, and each element representing an entry in the whole table of contents.

       [2]    The identifying labels of any element E are unique within their division  (or  toc),  and  the
              full  label  of  any element E is the list of labels for all nodes on the unique path from the
              root of the tree to E, including E.

       ::doctools::toc::import objectName
              This command creates a new import manager object with an associated Tcl command whose name  is
              objectName. This object command is explained in full detail in the sections Object command and
              Object methods. The object command will be created under the current namespace if the  object-Name objectName
              Name is not fully qualified, and in the specified namespace otherwise.

       All objects created by the ::doctools::toc::import command have the following general form:

       objectName method ?arg arg ...?
              The method method and its arg'uments determine the exact behavior of the command.  See section
              Object methods for the detailed specifications.

       objectName destroy
              This method destroys the object it is invoked for.

       objectName import text text ?format?
              This method takes the text and converts it from the specified format to the canonical  serial-ization serialization
              ization  of  a table of contents using the import plugin for the format. An error is thrown if
              no plugin could be found for the  format.   The  serialization  generated  by  the  conversion
              process is returned as the result of this method.

              If no format is specified the method defaults to doctoc.

              The specification of what a canonical serialization is can be found in the section ToC serial-ization serialization
              ization format.

              The plugin has to conform to the interface specified in section Import plugin  API  v2  refer-ence. reference.

       objectName import file path ?format?
              This  method  is  a convenient wrapper around the import text method described by the previous
              item.  It reads the contents of the specified file into memory, feeds the result  into  import
              text and returns the resulting serialization as its own result.

       objectName import object text object text ?format?
              This  method  is  a convenient wrapper around the import text method described by the previous
              item.  It expects that object is an object command supporting a deserialize  method  expecting
              the canonical serialization of a table of contents.  It imports the text using import text and
              then feeds the resulting serialization into the object via deserialize.  This  method  returns
              the empty string as it result.

       objectName import object file object path ?format?
              This method behaves like import object text, except that it reads the text to convert from the
              specified file instead of being given it as argument.

       objectName config names
              This method returns a list containing the names of all configuration variables currently known
              to the object.

       objectName config get
              This  method  returns  a dictionary containing the names and values of all configuration vari-ables variables
              ables currently known to the object.

       objectName config set name ?value?
              This method sets the configuration variable name to the specified value and  returns  the  new
              value of the variable.

              If no value is specified it simply returns the current value, without changing it.

              Note  that while the user can set the predefined configuration variables user and format doing
              so will have no effect, these values will be internally  overriden  when  invoking  an  import

       objectName config unset pattern...
              This  method  unsets  all  configuration variables matching the specified glob patterns. If no
              pattern is specified it will unset all currently defined configuration variables.

       objectName includes
              This method returns a list containing the currently specified  paths  to  use  to  search  for
              include  files when processing input.  The order of paths in the list corresponds to the order
              in which they are used, from first to last, and also corresponds to the order  in  which  they
              were added to the object.

       objectName include add path
              This  methods  adds the specified path to the list of paths to use to search for include files
              when processing input. The path is added to the end of the list, causing  it  to  be  searched
              after all previously added paths. The result of the command is the empty string.

              The method does nothing if the path is already known.

       objectName include remove path
              This  methods  removes  the specified path from the list of paths to use to search for include
              files when processing input. The result of the command is the empty string.

              The method does nothing if the path is not known.

       objectName include clear
              This method clears the list of paths to use to search for include files when processing input.
              The result of the command is the empty string.

       Plugins  are what this package uses to manage the support for any input format beyond the ToC serial-ization serialization
       ization format. Here we specify the API the objects created by this  package  use  to  interact  with
       their plugins.

       A plugin for this package has to follow the rules listed below:

       [1]    A plugin is a package.

       [2]    The name of a plugin package has the form doctools::toc::import::FOO, where FOO is the name of
              the format the plugin will generate output for. This name is also the argument to  provide  to
              the  various import methods of import manager objects to get a string encoding a table of con-tents contents
              tents in that format.

       [3]    The plugin can expect that the package doctools::toc::export::plugin is present, as  indicator
              that it was invoked from a genuine plugin manager.

       [4]    The plugin can expect that a command named IncludeFile is present, with the signature

              IncludeFile currentfile path
                     This  command  has to be invoked by the plugin when it has to process an included file,
                     if the format has the concept of such. An example of such a format would be doctoc.

                     The plugin has to supply the following arguments

                     string currentfile
                            The path of the file it is currently processing. This may be the empty string if
                            no such is known.

                     string path
                            The  path  of  the include file as specified in the include directive being pro-cessed. processed.
              The result of the command will be a 5-element list containing

                     [1]    A boolean flag indicating the success (True) or failure (False)  of  the  opera-tion. operation.

                     [2]    In  case of success the contents of the included file, and the empty string oth-erwise. otherwise.

                     [3]    The resolved, i.e. absolute path of the  included  file,  if  possible,  or  the
                            unchanged path argument. This is for display in an error message, or as the cur-rentfile currentfile
                            rentfile argument of another call to IncludeFile should this file  contain  more

                     [4]    In case of success an empty string, and for failure a code indicating the reason
                            for it, one of

                                   The specified file could not be found.

                                   The specified file was found, but not be read into memory.

                     [5]    An empty string in case of success of a  notfound  failure,  and  an  additional
                            error message describing the reason for a notread error in more detail.

       [5]    A plugin has to provide one command, with the signature shown below.

              import text configuration
                     Whenever  an import manager of doctools::toc has to parse input for a table of contents
                     it will invoke this command.

                     string text
                            This argument will contain the text encoding the table of contents per the  for-mat format
                            mat the plugin is for.

                     dictionary configuration
                            This argument will contain the current configuration to apply to the parsing, as
                            a dictionary mapping from variable names to values.

                            The following configuration variables have a predefined meaning all plugins have
                            to  obey,  although  they  can  ignore this information at their discretion. Any
                            other other configuration variables recognized by a plugin will be described  in
                            the manpage for that plugin.

                            user   This  variable  is  expected  to  contain the name of the user owning the
                                   process invoking the plugin.

                            format This variable is expected to contain the name of the format whose  plugin
                                   is invoked.

       [6]    A  single usage cycle of a plugin consists of the invokations of the command import. This call
              has to leave the plugin in a state where another usage cycle can be run without problems.

       Here we specify the format used by the doctools v2  packages  to  serialize  tables  of  contents  as
       immutable values for transport, comparison, etc.

       We distinguish between regular and canonical serializations.  While a table of contents may have more
       than one regular serialization only exactly one of them will be canonical.

       regular serialization

              [1]    The serialization of any table of contents is a nested Tcl dictionary.

              [2]    This dictionary holds a single key, doctools::toc, and its value. This value holds  the
                     contents of the table of contents.

              [3]    The contents of the table of contents are a Tcl dictionary holding the title of the ta-ble table
                     ble of contents, a label, and its elements. The relevant keys and their values are

                     title  The value is a string containing the title of the table of contents.

                     label  The value is a string containing a label for the table of contents.

                     items  The value is a Tcl list holding the elements of the table, in the order they are
                            to be shown.

                            Each element is a Tcl list holding the type of the item, and its description, in
                            this order. An alternative description would be that  it  is  a  Tcl  dictionary
                            holding a single key, the item type, mapped to the item description.

                            The two legal item types and their descriptions are

                                   This  item describes a single entry in the table of contents, referencing
                                   a single document.  To this end its value is a Tcl dictionary  containing
                                   an id for the referenced document, a label, and a longer textual descrip-tion description
                                   tion which can be associated with the entry.  The relevant keys and their
                                   values are

                                   id     The value is a string containing the id of the document associated
                                          with the entry.

                                   label  The value is a string containing a  label  for  this  entry.  This
                                          string  also  identifies the entry, and no two entries (references
                                          and divisions) in the containing list are allowed to have the same

                                   desc   The  value  is  a  string containing a longer description for this

                                   This item describes a group of entries in the table of contents, inducing
                                   a  hierarchy  of entries.  To this end its value is a Tcl dictionary con-taining containing
                                   taining a label for the group, an optional id to a document for the whole
                                   group, and the list of entries in the group.  The relevant keys and their
                                   values are

                                   id     The value is a string containing the id of the document associated
                                          with the whole group. This key is optional.

                                   label  The  value  is  a  string  containing  a label for the group. This
                                          string also identifies the entry, and no two  entries  (references
                                          and divisions) in the containing list are allowed to have the same

                                   items  The value is a Tcl list holding the elements of the group, in  the
                                          order  they  are to be shown.  This list has the same structure as
                                          the value for the keyword items used to describe the  whole  table
                                          of  contents,  see  above. This closes the recusrive definition of
                                          the structure, with divisions holding the same type of elements as
                                          the whole table of contents, including other divisions.

       canonical serialization
              The canonical serialization of a table of contents has the format as specified in the previous
              item, and then additionally satisfies the constraints below, which make it  unique  among  all
              the possible serializations of this table of contents.

              [1]    The  keys  found  in all the nested Tcl dictionaries are sorted in ascending dictionary
                     order, as generated by Tcl's builtin command lsort -increasing -dict.

       This document, and the package it describes,  will  undoubtedly  contain  bugs  and  other  problems.
       Please   report   such   in   the  category  doctools  of  the  Tcllib  SF  Trackers  [http://source -
       forge.net/tracker/? group_id=12883].  Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may  have  for
       either package and/or documentation.

       conversion,  doctoc, documentation, import, json, manpage, markup, parsing, plugin, reference, table,
       table of contents, url

       Documentation tools

       Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>

doctools2toc                                         0.1                            doctools::toc::import(n)

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