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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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tk_setPalette(n)                            Tk Built-In Commands                            tk_setPalette(n)


       tk_setPalette, tk_bisque - Modify the Tk color palette

       tk_setPalette background

       tk_setPalette name value ?name value ...?


       The tk_setPalette procedure changes the color scheme for Tk.  It does this by modifying the colors of
       existing widgets and by changing the option database so that future widgets will use  the  new  color
       scheme.   If  tk_setPalette is invoked with a single argument, the argument is the name of a color to
       use as the normal background color;  tk_setPalette will compute a complete color  palette  from  this
       background  color.   Alternatively,  the  arguments  to  tk_setPalette  may  consist of any number of
       name-value pairs, where the first argument of the pair is the name of an  option  in  the  Tk  option
       database  and  the  second  argument is the new value to use for that option.  The following database
       names are currently supported:

              activeBackground               foregroundselectColor
              activeForeground               highlightBackgroundselectBackground
              background      highlightColor selectForeground
              disabledForeground             insertBackgroundtroughColor

       tk_setPalette tries to compute reasonable defaults for any options that you do not specify.  You  can
       specify  options other than the above ones and Tk will change those options on widgets as well.  This
       feature may be useful if you are using custom widgets with additional color options.

       Once it has computed the new value to use for each of the color options, tk_setPalette scans the wid-get widget
       get  hierarchy  to  modify the options of all existing widgets.  For each widget, it checks to see if
       any of the above options is defined for the widget.  If so, and if the option's current value is  the
       default,  then the value is changed;  if the option has a value other than the default, tk_setPalette
       will not change it.  The default for an option is the one provided by the widget ([lindex [$w config-ure configure
       ure  $option]  3]) unless tk_setPalette has been run previously, in which case it is the value speci-fied specified
       fied in the previous invocation of tk_setPalette.

       After modifying all the widgets in the application, tk_setPalette adds options to the option database
       to change the defaults for widgets created in the future.  The new options are added at priority wid-getDefault, widgetDefault,
       getDefault, so they will be overridden by options from the .Xdefaults file or  options  specified  on
       the command-line that creates a widget.

       The  procedure tk_bisque is provided for backward compatibility: it restores the application's colors
       to the light brown ("bisque") color scheme used in Tk 3.6 and earlier versions.

       bisque, color, palette

Tk                                                   4.0                                    tk_setPalette(n)

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