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спецификации, руководства, описания, API Transaction and Atomic Operation Differences

MySQL Server (version 3.23-max and all versions 4.0 and above) supports transactions with the InnoDB transactional storage engine. In MySQL 5.5 and up, newly created tables use InnoDB by default, as explained in Section, "InnoDB as the Default MySQL Storage Engine". By default, InnoDB provides full ACID compliance; see Section 14.2.8, "MySQL and the ACID Model" for ways that you can adjust settings to balance ACID compliance with raw performance. For information about InnoDB differences from standard SQL with regard to treatment of transaction errors, see Section, "InnoDB Error Handling".

The nontransactional storage engines in MySQL Server (such as MyISAM) follow a different paradigm for data integrity called "atomic operations". MyISAM tables effectively always operate in autocommit = 1 mode. Because changed data is written to disk one statement at a time, it is harder to guarantee the consistency of a sequence of related DML operations, which could be interrupted partway through. Thus, this mode is suitable for read-mostly workloads. In transactional terms, while each specific update is running, no other user can interfere with it, there can never be an automatic rollback, and there are no dirty reads. However, these features apply to single operations, not related updates that succeed or fail as a unit. Workarounds such as the LOCK TABLES statement limit concurrent write access to nontransactional tables.

You can choose which paradigm to use, even for different tables within the same application: transactional features for reliability combined with high performance, or atomic operations for non-critical, read-mostly data (for example, on replication slave servers).

Transactional storage engines such as InnoDB offer many significant features to support high reliability for heavy read/write workloads. As a result, transactional tables can have higher memory and disk space requirements, and more CPU overhead. MySQL Server's modular design enables the concurrent use of different storage engines to suit different requirements and deliver optimum performance in all situations.

Workarounds for Reliability with Non-Transactional Tables

But how do you use the features of MySQL Server to maintain integrity even with the nontransactional MyISAM tables, and how do these features compare with the transactional storage engines?

Following are some techniques for working with nontransactional tables: