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спецификации, руководства, описания, API SHOW SLAVE STATUS Syntax


This statement provides status information on essential parameters of the slave threads. It requires either the SUPER or REPLICATION CLIENT privilege.

The NONBLOCKING option causes SHOW SLAVE STATUS, when run concurrently with STOP SLAVE, to return without waiting for STOP SLAVE to finish shutting down the slave SQL thread or slave I/O thread (or both). This option is intended for use in monitoring and other applications where getting an immediate response from SHOW SLAVE STATUS is more important than ensuring that it returns the latest data.

If you issue this statement using the mysql client, you can use a \G statement terminator rather than a semicolon to obtain a more readable vertical layout:

mysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G*************************** 1. row ***************************               Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event                  Master_Host: localhost                  Master_User: root                  Master_Port: 13000                Connect_Retry: 60              Master_Log_File: master-bin.000002          Read_Master_Log_Pos: 1307               Relay_Log_File: slave-relay-bin.000003                Relay_Log_Pos: 1508        Relay_Master_Log_File: master-bin.000002             Slave_IO_Running: Yes            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes              Replicate_Do_DB:          Replicate_Ignore_DB:           Replicate_Do_Table:       Replicate_Ignore_Table:      Replicate_Wild_Do_Table:  Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table:                   Last_Errno: 0                   Last_Error:                 Skip_Counter: 0          Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 1307              Relay_Log_Space: 1858              Until_Condition: None               Until_Log_File:                Until_Log_Pos: 0           Master_SSL_Allowed: No           Master_SSL_CA_File:           Master_SSL_CA_Path:              Master_SSL_Cert:            Master_SSL_Cipher:               Master_SSL_Key:        Seconds_Behind_Master: 0Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No                Last_IO_Errno: 0                Last_IO_Error:               Last_SQL_Errno: 0               Last_SQL_Error:  Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids:             Master_Server_Id: 1                  Master_UUID: 3e11fa47-71ca-11e1-9e33-c80aa9429562             Master_Info_File: /var/mysqld.2/data/master.info                    SQL_Delay: 0          SQL_Remaining_Delay: NULL      Slave_SQL_Running_State: Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it           Master_Retry_Count: 10                  Master_Bind:      Last_IO_Error_Timestamp:     Last_SQL_Error_Timestamp:               Master_SSL_Crl:           Master_SSL_Crlpath:           Retrieved_Gtid_Set: 3e11fa47-71ca-11e1-9e33-c80aa9429562:1-5            Executed_Gtid_Set: 3e11fa47-71ca-11e1-9e33-c80aa9429562:1-5                Auto_Position: 11 row in set (0.00 sec)

The following list describes the fields returned by SHOW SLAVE STATUS. For additional information about interpreting their meanings, see Section, "Checking Replication Status".