Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
CONTENTS | PREV | NEXT | Java Remote Method Invocation |
Exception |
Context |
java.rmi.UnmarshalException |
java.rmi.UnexpectedException |
An exception not mentioned in the method signature occurred (excluding runtime exceptions). The UnexpectedException exception object contains the underlying exception that was thrown by the server. |
java.rmi.ServerError |
Any error that occurs while the server is executing a remote method. The ServerError exception object contains the underlying error that was thrown by the server, |
java.rmi.ServerException |
Any remote exception that occurs while the server is executing a remote method. For examples, see Section A.3.1, "Possible Causes of java.rmi.ServerException". |
java.rmi.ServerRuntimeException note: this exception is deprecated in JDK1.2 |
This exception is not thrown by servers running JDK1.2 compatible versions. A RuntimeException are propagated to clients in tact. |