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1.9 The ObjectInput Interface

The ObjectInput interface provides an abstract stream based interface to object retrieval. It extends the DataInput interface so those methods for reading primitive data types are accessible in this interface.

package java.io;

public interface ObjectInput extends DataInput
    public Object readObject()
        throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException;
    public int read() throws IOException;
    public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException;
    public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException;
    public long skip(long n) throws IOException;
    public int available() throws IOException;
    public void close() throws IOException;
The readObject method is used to read and return an object. The exceptions thrown reflect errors while accessing the objects or its fields or exceptions that occur in reading from the storage. If any exception is thrown, the underlying storage may be corrupted. If this occurs, refer to the object implementing this interface for additional information.

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