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Deployment Configuration File and Properties |
Deployment Configuration File and Properties includes the following topics:
The deployment.properties
file is used for storing and retrieving
deployment configuration properties in the Java Control Panel. They are also used for customizing
runtime behavior for both Java Plug-in and Java Web Start.
There is always a User-Level deployment.properties
file. Its location,
which is non-configurable, is described below. There may also be an (optional)
System-Level deployment.properties
file. If it exists, its location
is determined by a System Administrator through the deployment.config
file as described below.
The User-Level deployment.properties
file is located as follows:
Operating System LocationWindows <User Application Data Folder>\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.properties
Unix ${user.home}/.java/deployment/deployment.properties
is typically home/<username>
For user jsmith
running on Windows 2000/XP, the deployment.properties
file would be located as follows:
C:\Documents and Settings\jsmith\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.properties
For user bjones
running on Unix, the deployment.properties
file would be located as follows:
The deployment.config
file is used for specifying the System-Level
in the infrastructure. By default no deployment.config
file exists; thus, no system-wide deployment.properties
file exists.
If deployment.config
exists, it is located either here
Operating System LocationWindows <Windows Directory>\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.config
Unix /etc/.java/deployment/deployment.config
or here
Operating System LocationWindows ${deployment.java.home}\lib\deployment.config
Unix ${deployment.java.home}/lib/deployment.config
is the location of the jre from which
the deployment products are run. Deployment products include Java Web Start,
Java Plug-in, Java Control Panel ...)
(if it exists) contains two properties: deployment.system.config
and deployment.system.config.mandatory
is the URL to the system (enterprise-wide)
file. It can be used by system administrators
to centrally administrate or "lock-down" user-specific configuration
is a boolean. The default is
. If false
, there will be an attempt to load
the deployment.properties
file pointed to by the deployment.system.config
URL. If the URL can be found and loaded, it will be used. If true
there will likewise be an attempt to load the system deployment.properties
file pointed to by the deployment.system.config
URL. If the URL
can be found and loaded, it will be used; but if it cannot be found or loaded,
then nothing will be allowed to run.
Deployment Configuration PropertiesThe following table describes the properties that can be set in the deployment.properties
NoteAny system deployment property, say |
Key |
Type |
Value |
Description |
Infrastructure |
deployment.user.cachedir |
String | "$USER_HOME" + File.separator + "cache" |
User-level cache directory. |
deployment.system.cachedir |
String | null | System-level cache directory. |
deployment.user.logdir | String | "$USER_HOME" + File.separator + "log" | User-level log directory. |
deployment.user.tmp |
String | "$USER_HOME" + File.separator + "tmp"; |
Temporary user directory. |
stores and policy files |
deployment.user.security.policy |
String | "file://$USER_HOME/security/java.policy" | User-level security policy file. The protocol of URL is either file, HTTP, or HTTPS. |
deployment.user.security.trusted.cacerts |
String | "$USER_HOME" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "trusted.cacerts"; | User-level Root CA certificate store. |
deployment.user.security.trusted.jssecacerts |
String | "$USER_HOME" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "trusted.jssecacerts" | User-level JSSE CA certificate store. |
deployment.user.security.trusted.certs |
String | "$USER_HOME" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "trusted.certs" | User-level Trusted signer certificate store. |
deployment.user.security.trusted.jssecerts |
String | "$USER_HOME" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "trusted.jssecerts"; | User-level Trusted JSSE certificate store. |
deployment.user.security.trusted.clientauthcerts |
String | "$USER_HOME" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "trusted.clientcerts" | User-level Client Authentication certificate store. |
deployment.system.security.policy |
String | null | System-level security policy file. The protocol of URL is either file, HTTP, or HTTPS. |
deployment.system.security.cacerts |
String | "$JAVA_HOME" + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "cacerts" | System-level Root CA certificate store. |
deployment.system.security.jssecacerts |
String | "$JAVA_HOME" + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "jssecacerts"; | System-level JSSE CA certificate store. |
deployment.system.security.trusted.certs |
String | "$SYSTEM_HOME" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "trusted.certs" | System-level Signer certificate store. |
deployment.system.security.trusted.jssecerts |
String | "$SYSTEM_HOME" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "trusted.jssecerts" | System-level JSSE certificate store. |
deployment.system.security.trusted.clientauthcerts |
String | "$SYSTEM_HOME" + File.separator + "security" + File.separator + "trusted.clientcerts" | System-level Client Authentication certificate store. |
Access And Control settings |
deployment.security.askgrantdialog.show |
String | true | Must be "true" if the user is allowed to grant permissions at all. |
deployment.security.askgrantdialog.notinca |
String | true | Must be "true" if the user is allowed to grant permissions to certificates that are not issued by a CA in the Root/JSSE CA certificate store. |
deployment.security.jsse.hostmismatch.warning |
String | true | Must be "true" for JSSE HTTPS certificate verification to show host-mismatch warning. |
deployment.security.trusted.policy |
String | "" | Policy file contains the ceiling policy of permissions granted to trusted
applications and applets. By default this is all permissions, but by using
this configuration setting, a user or enterprise can configure a lesser
set of permissions. |
deployment.security.sandbox.awtwarningwindow |
String | true | "true" if the sandbox has awtShowWindowWithoutWarning. |
deployment.security.sandbox.jnlp.enhanced |
String | true | Must be "true" for the user to see and accept JNLP api security dialogs. |
deployment.security.validation.ocsp | Boolean | false | Specifies whether Online Certificate Status Protocol is enabled. |
deployment.security.validation.ocsp.url | String | null | Specifies a url string pointing to an OCSP response server. |
deployment.security.validation.ocsp.signer | String | null | Points to a OCSP response singer certificate subject name. |
deployment.security.validation.crl | Boolean | false | Specifies whether to use certificate revocation list. |
deployment.security.validation.crl.url | String | null | Specifies a URL in the Certificate Revocation List to perform a certificate validation. |
deployment.security.authenticator |
String | true | Normally plugin and webstart install an Authenticator to handle communication
with Authenticating webpages or Authenticating proxies. This is the default
behavior (true). This option can be used to turn the normal behavior off
if, for example, an application communicates itself with an authenticating
web page and needs to install it's own Authenticator. |
Networking |
deployment.proxy.type |
int | 3 for PROX_TYPE_BROWSER | This is for the type of proxy that should be use. The choices are: PROX_TYPE_UNKNOWN = -1; |
deployment.proxy.same |
boolean | false | This parameter (true) says to use the same web server and port for https
and ftp as is configured for http. (This is only valid if deployment.proxy.type
deployment.proxy.auto.config.url | String | (no default) | URL for auto-Auto proxy configuration JavaScript.proxy configuration JavaScript. |
deployment.proxy.bypass.list | String | (no default) | List of hostnames that should bypass the proxy. Each hostname is delimited by a comma in the property; e.g., ",localhost,sun.com" |
deployment.proxy.bypass.local | String | (no default) | All local hosts should be bypassed. |
deployment.proxy.http.host | String | (no default) | HTTP proxy hostname. |
deployment.proxy.http.port | String | (no default) | HTTP proxy port. |
deployment.proxy.https.host | String | (no default) | HTTPS proxy hostname. |
deployment.proxy.https.port | String | (no default) | HTTPS proxy port. |
deployment.proxy.ftp.host | String | (no default) | FTP proxy hostname. |
deployment.proxy.ftp.port | String | (no default) | FTP proxy port. |
deployment.proxy.socks.host | String | (no default) | SOCKS v4 proxy hostname. |
deployment.proxy.socks.port | String | (no default) | SOCKS v4 proxy port. |
deployment.proxy.override.hosts |
String | "" | Proxy overridden list. |
and Optional Package Repository |
deployment.cache.max.size |
String | "-1" | Maximum size of deployment cache in MB. This is the cache size for each cache: Java Web Start and Java Plug-in. "0"—Disables caching in Java Plug-in; cache size in Java Web Start will be unlimited. "-1"—For unlimited cache size. |
deployment.cache.jarcompression |
String | 0 | 0-9 compression ratio to be used in applet jar compression. |
deployment.javapi.cache.enabled |
String | false | Specifies if cache should be disabled. false means it should not be disabled. |
Console |
deployment.console.startup.mode |
String | "HIDE" |
The choices are:
and Logging |
deployment.trace | String | false | Enbable tracing. |
deployment.log |
String | false | Enable logging. |
Web Start: JNLP Association |
deployment.javaws.associations | int | 2 | The JNLP associations. The choices are: ASSOCIATION_NEVER = 0; |
Web Start: Desktop Integration |
String | "ASK_IF_HINTED" | This relates to creating a desktop shortcut for Java Web Start. The choices are:
Web Start JRE Selections |
deployment.javaws.installURL |
String | "http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se" | The autodownload URL. |
Web Start JRE management |
deployment.javaws.autodownload |
String | "ALWAYS" | This sets the choices for autodownloading. The choices are:
selection and path |
deployment.browser.path |
String | "<No Browser Selected>" | This is the path to the browser for showing web pages from the application viewer, the About Box, and webstart applications. Note that this property is used for Solaris and Linux only. On Widows, this property is ignored, and the default browser is determined the same way it is by any other application that launches a browser on Windows. |
for update Timeout |
deployment.javaws.update.timeout |
int | 500 | Units are miliseconds. |