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javafxpackager - JavaFX File Packager Utility


javafxpackager - Packages files comprising a JavaFX Script application for deployment.


javafxpackager [options] class [arguments]


The javafxpackager tool creates an application in a format that is specific for a target profile, either desktop or mobile.


-encoding <encoding>
Optional. Specifies character encoding used by source files.
-paramFile <property file>
Optional. Specifies the named application parameters stored in an external property file.
-profile [desktop | mobile]
-p [desktop | mobile]
Specifies the JavaFX platform. The JavaFX SDK supports desktop and mobile, and defaults to desktop. Use the -profile mobile option setting to generate files needed by the JavaFX emulator tool. See the emulator man page for details.

Internally the -profile option specifies the configuration file that sets environment variables.
-sourcepath <source root1> [;<source root2> ...]
-src <source root1> [;<source root2> ...]
Required. Specifies the root directory of the source tree holding the application to be packaged. Here is an example of a source tree that illustrates these required option settings:

In the example below, the -src option specifies src as the root directory. The appClass option specifies the Main.fx file in the Package1 source file subdirectory.
javafxpackager-src src -appClass package1.Main 
At least one source root is required.
-classpath <library1> [;<library2> ...]
-cp <library1> [;<library2> ...]
-librarypath <library1> [;<library2> ...]
Optional. Specifies the classpath.
-resourcepath <resource root1> [;<resource root2> ...]
-res <resource root1> [;<resource root2> ...]
Optional. Specifies the resource path.
-destination [target directory]
-d [target directory]
The default target directory is ./dist
-workDir <working directory>
Enables verbose output.
-appName <application name>
The default application name is the application class name.
-appVendor <application vendor>
The default application vendor is the user.name Java system property.
-appVersion <application version>
The default application version is 1.0.
-appClass <application class>
Required. Specifies the class containing main for applets
-appWidth <applet width>
The default applet width is 200 pixels.
-appHeight <applet height>
The default applet height is 200 pixels.
-appCodebase <application code base URL>
The default code base is empty.
Builds a signed application. -sign is used while using -keystore,-keystorePassword, and so on. If -sign is not specified, a self-signture is not created.
Makes the application draggable from the web browser.
-keystore <keystore for signing>
A temporary self-signature is created when keystore is not specified.
-keystorePassword <password>
Required when signing with specific keystore.
-keyalias <alias>
Mandatory when signing with specific keystore.
-keyaliasPassword <password>
keystore Password is used instead when not specified.
Compresses an application using pack200. This option creates a file called MyApplication.jar.pack.gz in the default ./dist directory.
Prints a help screen.
Prints the JavaFX Toolchain version number.


javafxpackager -src ./mysources -appClass mypackage.MyApplication

Builds all JavaFX and Java sources into ./dist/MyApplication.html, ./dist/MyApplication.jnlp, ./dist/MyApplication.jar, and ./dist/MyApplication_browser.jnlp

javafxpackager -src ./mysources -appClass mypackage.MyApplication -p mobile

Builds all JavaFX and Java sources according to mobile profile specification into ./dist/MyApplication.jad and ./dist/MyApplication.jar.

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