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Trail: Java Management Extensions (JMX)

The Java Management Extensions (JMX) trail provides an introduction to the JMX technology, which is included in the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE platform). This trail presents examples of how to use the most important features of the JMX technology.

trail icon Overview of the JMX Technology provides a brief description of the JMX technology, including its purpose and principal features.

trail icon Introducing MBeans introduces the fundamental concept of the JMX technology, managed beans, otherwise known as MBeans. This lesson also introduces MXBeans.

trail icon Notifications introduces the JMX technology's notification mechanism.

trail icon Remote Management shows how to implement the JMX API's remote management capabilities and how to create a JMX client application.

trail icon Where to Go From Here provides pointers to more advanced documentation that describes the JMX technology.

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Previous page: Beginning of Tutorial
Next page: Overview of the JMX Technology