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RESMERGER(1) BSD General Commands Manual RESMERGER(1) NAME /usr/bin/ResMerger -- Merges resource forks or files into one resource file SYNOPSIS /usr/bin/ResMerger [-fileCreator <fileCreator>] [-fileType <fileType>] [-[a]ppend] [-srcIs RSRC | DF] [-dstIs RSRC | DF] file ... -o <dest-file> DESCRIPTION The /usr/bin/ResMerger command merges the Carbon Resource Manager resource data in multiple files into a single file. The output file may be one of the input files. The /usr/bin/ResMerger command takes the following flags and arguments: -fileCreator <fileCreator> Sets the HFS creator type of the output file. The default is '????'. -fileType <fileType> Sets the HFS file type of the output file. The default is '????'. -[a]ppend Append to output file, rather than overwriting it. -srcIs RSRC | DF The fork in which to look for resources in the input file(s). The default is the data fork (DF). -dstIs RSRC | DF The fork in which to write resources in the output file. The default is the data fork (DF). -skip <type> Specifies resource type to skip during the resource merge. May be used multiple times, to specify multiple resource types to skip. file Specifies one or more input files. Note that as there is only one srcIs flag, the input files must be homogenous, that is, the resources must be in the same fork of all input files. -o <dest-file> Specifies the output file. If the fork designated by -dstIs exists, it is overwritten unless the -a flag is provided; if it does not exist, it is created. SEE ALSO Rez(1), DeRez(1), RezWack(1), UnRezWack(1), SplitForks(1) Mac OS X April 12, 2004 Mac OS X |
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