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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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actool(1)                                                                                          actool(1)

       actool - compiles, prints, updates, and verifies asset catalogs.

       actool [options] document

       actool verifies, updates, and prints the contents of an asset catalog, generating its output in stan-dard standard
       dard plist format.  The tool follows a "read", "modify", "write", "print" order of operations.

   Specifying Output:
       --write path
              Write the resulting asset catalog to the specified path.

       --output-format format
              By default, actool provides output in the form of an XML  property  list.  Specifying  binary1
              will  instruct actool to output a binary property list. Similarly, xml1 specifies an XML prop-erty property
              erty list, and human-readable-text specifies human readable text.

       --compile path
              Compile the input file and writes the  output  to  the  specified  path.  The  compile  option
              instructs  actool  to  convert  an asset catalog to files optimized for runtime. Additionally,
              --warnings, --errors, and --output-format are three other options that are  commonly  combined
              with --compile.

              Include  document  warning  messages in actool's plist output.  Warnings will appear under the
              key com.apple.actool.document.warnings, with messages listed  under  the  subkey  message  and
              warning types under the subkey type.

              Include  document  error  messages in actool's plist output.  Errors will appear under the key
              com.apple.actool.document.errors, with messages listed under  the  subkey  message  and  error
              types under the subkey type.

              Include  document notice messages in actool's plist output.  Notices will appear under the key
              com.apple.actool.document.notices, with messages listed under the  subkey  message  and  error
              types under the subkey type.

       --output-partial-info-plist path
              Emit  a plist to path that contains keys and values to include in an application's info plist.

       --app-icon name
              Can be combined with --compile to select an app icon to compile to the output directory.  This
              flag  also causes actool to declare the app icon in the patrial info plist component specified
              by --output-partial-info-plist.

       --launch-image name
              Can be combined with --compile to select a launch image to compile to  the  output  directory.
              This  flag  also causes actool to declare the launch image in the patrial info plist component
              specified by --output-partial-info-plist.

   Listing Content:
              Include a listing of the catalog's content in the output.

   Version Information:
              Print  the  version  of  actool.   The  version  information   is   output   under   the   key
              com.apple.actool.version with the subkeys bundle-version and short-bundle-version.

       actool MyApp.assetcatalog --compile MyApp.car
              actool will compile MyApp.assetcatalog and produce MyApp.car.


Apple Inc.                                       Dec 15 2011                                       actool(1)

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