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Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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ADDFTINFO(1)                                                                                    ADDFTINFO(1)

       addftinfo - add information to troff font files for use with groff

       addftinfo [ -v ] [ -param value...  ] res unitwidth font

       addftinfo  reads  a  troff font file and adds some additional font-metric information that is used by
       the groff system.  The font file with the information added is written on the standard  output.   The
       information  added  is guessed using some parametric information about the font and assumptions about
       the traditional troff names for characters.  The main information added is the heights and depths  of
       characters.   The  res  and unitwidth arguments should be the same as the corresponding parameters in
       the DESC file; font is the name of the file describing the font; if font ends with I the font will be
       assumed to be italic.

       -v prints the version number.

       All  other options changes one of the parameters that is used to derive the heights and depths.  Like
       the existing quantities in the font file, each value is in inches/res for a font whose point size  is
       unitwidth.  param must be one of:

              The height of lowercase letters without ascenders such as x.

              The height of figures (digits).

              The height of characters with ascenders, such as b, d or l.

              The height of characters such as parentheses.

              The height of uppercase letters such as A.

              The depth of a comma.

              The depth of characters with descenders, such as p,q, or y.

              The depth of characters such as parentheses.

       addftinfo makes no attempt to use the specified parameters to guess the unspecified parameters.  If a
       parameter is not specified the default will be used.  The defaults are chosen to have the  reasonable
       values for a Times font.

       groff_font(5), groff(1), groff_char(7)

Groff Version 1.19.2                            27 June 2001                                    ADDFTINFO(1)

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