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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Библиотека разработчика Mac Разработчик


Эта страница руководства для  версии 10.9 Mac OS X

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footprint(1)              BSD General Commands Manual             footprint(1)

     footprint -- gathers memory information about a process or set of processes.

     footprint -h
     footprint -proc <process-name> | -pid <pid> [-proc <process-name> | -pid <pid> [...]]
               [-categories | -regions] [-swapped]
               [-graphics] [-collapseSharing] [-targetChildren] [-skipIdleExitClean]
               [-o <output-file-location>]
               [-i <input-file-location>]

     footprint provides a summary number and a categorization that describe memory use that most impacts the

     footprint gathers the sum of dirty/anonymous allocations in one or more processes along with their at-tributable attributable
     tributable kernel resources (currently KPRVT). Shared allocations only contribute to the footprint
     once, regardless of the number of times that they are mapped into any number of processes. The "foot-print" "footprint"
     print" value represents allocations that will cause the system to page in accommodation.

     footprint needs to be run as root. It can target multiple processes via multiple instances of the -proc
     and -pid flags.

     -categories         Detailed output on a per-VM-region type level (medium detail).

     -regions            Display all memory objects and associated regions that contribute to each category
                         (high detail).

     -swapped            Display swapped bytes information where applicable.

     -graphics           Gather graphics data if available (platform dependent, not tallied into footprint

     -collapseSharing    Do not group shared memory output by process.

     -targetChildren     Gather footprint information for the set of processes launched directly or indi-rectly indirectly
                         rectly by the target processes.

     -skipIdleExitClean  Do not gather information on any processes that are ready to be quit on memory
                         pressure. Also applicable after the fact with -i option.

OS X                             June 28, 2012                            OS X

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