Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Библиотека разработчика Mac Разработчик


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GIT-FMT-MERGE-MSG(1)                             Git Manual                             GIT-FMT-MERGE-MSG(1)

       git-fmt-merge-msg - Produce a merge commit message

       git fmt-merge-msg [-m <message>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] <$GIT_DIR/FETCH_HEAD
       git fmt-merge-msg [-m <message>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] -F <file>

       Takes the list of merged objects on stdin and produces a suitable commit message to be used for the
       merge commit, usually to be passed as the <merge-message> argument of git merge.

       This command is intended mostly for internal use by scripts automatically invoking git merge.

           In addition to branch names, populate the log message with one-line descriptions from the actual
           commits that are being merged. At most <n> commits from each merge parent will be used (20 if <n>
           is omitted). This overrides the merge.log configuration variable.

           Do not list one-line descriptions from the actual commits being merged.

           Synonyms to --log and --no-log; these are deprecated and will be removed in the future.

       -m <message>, --message <message>
           Use <message> instead of the branch names for the first line of the log message. For use with

       -F <file>, --file <file>
           Take the list of merged objects from <file> instead of stdin.

           In addition to branch names, populate the log message with the branch description text associated
           with them. Defaults to false.

           In addition to branch names, populate the log message with at most the specified number of
           one-line descriptions from the actual commits that are being merged. Defaults to false, and true
           is a synonym for 20.

           Synonym to merge.log; this is deprecated and will be removed in the future.


       Part of the git(1) suite

Git 1.8.3                                        05/24/2013                             GIT-FMT-MERGE-MSG(1)

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