Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Библиотека разработчика Mac Разработчик


Эта страница руководства является частью версии 5.0 Инструментов XCode

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GIT-STRIPSPACE(1)                                Git Manual                                GIT-STRIPSPACE(1)

       git-stripspace - Remove unnecessary whitespace

       git stripspace [-s | --strip-comments] < input

       Clean the input in the manner used by Git for text such as commit messages, notes, tags and branch

       With no arguments, this will:

          remove trailing whitespace from all lines

          collapse multiple consecutive empty lines into one empty line

          remove empty lines from the beginning and end of the input

          add a missing \n to the last line if necessary.

       In the case where the input consists entirely of whitespace characters, no output will be produced.

       NOTE: This is intended for cleaning metadata, prefer the --whitespace=fix mode of git-apply(1) for
       correcting whitespace of patches or files in the repository.

       -s, --strip-comments
           Skip and remove all lines starting with comment character (default #).

       -c, --comment-lines
           Prepend comment character and blank to each line. Lines will automatically be terminated with a
           newline. On empty lines, only the comment character will be prepended.

       Given the following noisy input with $ indicating the end of a line:

           |A brief introduction   $
           |   $
           |A new paragraph$
           |# with a commented-out line    $
           |explaining lots of stuff.$
           |# An old paragraph, also commented-out. $
           |      $
           |The end.$
           |  $

       Use git stripspace with no arguments to obtain:

           |A brief introduction$
           |A new paragraph$
           |# with a commented-out line$
           |explaining lots of stuff.$
           |# An old paragraph, also commented-out.$
           |The end.$

       Use git stripspace --strip-comments to obtain:

           |A brief introduction$
           |A new paragraph$
           |explaining lots of stuff.$
           |The end.$

       Part of the git(1) suite

Git 1.8.3                                        05/24/2013                                GIT-STRIPSPACE(1)

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