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Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Библиотека разработчика Mac Разработчик


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IRB(1)                 Ruby Programmers Reference Guide                 IRB(1)

     irb -- Interactive Ruby Shell

     irb [--version] [-dfm] [-I directory] [-r library] [--[no]inspect] [--[no]readline] [--prompt mode]
         [--prompt-mode mode] [--inf-ruby-mode] [--simple-prompt] [--noprompt] [--tracer]
         [--back-trace-limit n] [--irb_debug n] [--] [program_file] [argument ...]

     irb is the REPL(read-eval-print loop) environment for Ruby programs.

     --version      Prints the version of irb.

     -E external[:internal]
     --encoding external[:internal]
                    Same as `ruby -E' .  Specifies the default value(s) for external encodings and internal
                    encoding. Values should be separated with colon (:).

                    You can omit the one for internal encodings, then the value (Encoding.default_internal)
                    will be nil.

     -I path        Same as `ruby -I' .  Specifies $LOAD_PATH directory

     -U             Same as `ruby -U' .  Sets the default value for internal encodings
                    (Encoding.default_internal) to UTF-8.

     -d             Same as `ruby -d' .  Sets $DEBUG to true.

     -f             Suppresses read of ~/.irbrc.

     --help         Prints a summary of the options.

     -m             Bc mode (load mathn, fraction or matrix are available)

     -r library     Same as `ruby -r'.  Causes irb to load the library using require.

     --inspect      Uses `inspect' for output (default except for bc mode)

     --noinspect    Doesn't use inspect for output

     --readline     Uses Readline extension module.

     --noreadline   Doesn't use Readline extension module.

     --prompt mode
     --prompt-mode mode
                    Switch prompt mode. Pre-defined prompt modes are `default', `simple', `xmp' and `inf-ruby'. `infruby'.

                    Uses prompt appropriate for inf-ruby-mode on emacs.  Suppresses --readline.

                    Makes prompts simple.

     --noprompt     No prompt mode.

     --tracer       Displays trace for each execution of commands.

     --back-trace-limit n
                    Displays backtrace top n and tail n.  The default value is 16.

     --irb_debug n  Sets internal debug level to n (not for popular use)


     Also irb depends on same variables as ruby(1).

     ~/.irbrc        Personal irb initialization.

           % irb
           irb(main):001:0> 1 + 1
           irb(main):002:0> def t(x)
           irb(main):003:1> x+1
           irb(main):004:1> end
           => nil
           irb(main):005:0> t(3)
           => 4
           irb(main):006:0> if t(3) == 4
           irb(main):007:1> p :ok
           irb(main):008:1> end
           => :ok
           irb(main):009:0> quit


     Security vulnerabilities should be reported via an email to <security@ruby-lang.org>.  Reported prob-lems problems
     lems will be published after being fixed.

     And you can report other bugs and feature requests via the Ruby Issue Tracking System
     (http://bugs.ruby-lang.org).  Do not report security vulnerabilities via the system because it pub-lishes publishes
     lishes the vulnerabilities immediately.

     Written by Keiju ISHITSUKA.

UNIX                           November 7, 2012                           UNIX

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