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PDFROFF(1)                                                                                        PDFROFF(1)

       pdfroff - create PDF documents using groff

       pdfroff [-abcegilpstzCEGNRSUVXZ] [-d cs] [-f fam] [-F dir] [-I dir] [-L arg] [-m name] [-M dir]
               [-n num] [-o list] [-P arg] [-r cn] [-T dev] [-w name] [-W name] [--no-toc-relocation]
               [--stylesheet=name] [--no-pdf-output | --pdf-output=name]
               [--no-reference-dictionary | --reference-dictionary=name] [--report-progress] file ...

       pdfroff -h | --help

       pdfroff -v | --version [option ...]

       The command line is parsed in accordance with normal GNU conventions, but with one exception --  when
       specifying any short form option (i.e., a single character option introduced by a single hyphen), and
       if that option expects an argument, then it must be specified independently (i.e., it may not be  ap-pended appended
       pended to any group of other single character short form options).

       Long  form option names (i.e., those introduced by a double hyphen) may be abbreviated to their mini-mum minimum
       mum length unambigous initial substring.

       pdfroff is a wrapper program for the GNU text processing system, groff.  It transparently handles the
       mechanics  of  multiple pass groff processing, when applied to suitably marked up groff source files,
       such that tables of contents and body text are formatted separately, and are subsequently combined in
       the  correct order, for final publication as a single PDF document.  A further optional "style sheet"
       capability is provided; this allows for the definition of content which is required  to  preceed  the
       table of contents, in the published document.

       For each invocation of pdfroff, the ultimate groff output stream is post-processed by the GhostScript
       interpreter, to produce a finished PDF document.

       pdfroff makes no assumptions about, and imposes no restrictions on, the use of any groff macro  pack-ages packages
       ages  which the user may choose to employ, in order to achieve a desired document format; however, it
       does include specific built in support for the pdfmark macro package, should the user choose  to  em-ploy employ
       ploy  it.  Specifically, if the pdfhref macro, defined in the pdfmark.tmac package, is used to define
       public reference marks, or dynamic links to such reference marks, then pdfroff will perform  as  many
       preformatting groff passes as required, up to a maximum limit of four, in order to compile a document
       reference dictionary, to resolve references, and to expand the dynamically defined content of  links.

       pdfroff  usage  closely  mirrors that of groff itself.  Indeed, with the exception of the -h, -v, and
       -T dev short form options, and all long form options, which are parsed internally by pdfroff, all op-tions options
       tions  and  file  name arguments specified on the command line are passed on to groff, to control the
       formatting of the PDF document.  Consequently, pdfroff accepts all options and arguments,  as  speci-fied specified
       fied  in  groff(1), which may also be considered as the definitive reference for all standard pdfroff
       options and argument usage.

       pdfroff accepts all of the short form options (i.e., those introduced by a single hyphen), which  are
       available with groff itself.  In most cases, these are simply passed transparently to groff; the fol-lowing, following,
       lowing, however, are handled specially by pdfroff.

       -h     Same as --help; see below.

       -i     Process standard input, after all other specified input files.  This is  passed  transparently
              to  groff,  but,  if grouped with other options, it must be the first in the group.  Hiding it
              within a group will break standard input processing, in the  multiple  pass  groff  processing
              context of pdfroff.

       -T dev Only -T ps is supported by pdfroff.  Attempting to specify any other device will cause pdfroff
              to abort.

       -v     Same as --version; see below.

       See groff(1) for a description of all other  short  form  options,  which  are  transparently  passed
       through pdfroff to groff.

       All long form options (i.e., those introduced by a double hyphen) are interpreted locally by pdfroff;
       they are not passed on to groff, unless otherwise stated below.

       --help Causes pdfroff to display a summary of the its usage syntax, and supported options,  and  then

              May  be  used  with  the --reference-dictionary=name option (described below) to eliminate the
              overhead of PDF formatting, when running pdfroff to create a reference dictionary, for use  in
              a different document.

              May  be  used  to  eliminate the overhead of creating a reference dictionary, when it is known
              that the target PDF document will contain no public references, created by the pdfhref  macro.

              May  be used to eliminate the extra groff processing pass, which is required to generate a ta-ble table
              ble of contents, and relocate it to the start of the PDF document, when processing  any  docu-ment document
              ment which lacks an automatically generated table of contents.

              Specifies  the  name to be used for the resultant PDF document; if unspecified, the PDF output
              is written to standard output.  A future version of pdfroff may use this option, to encode the
              document name in a generated reference dictionary.

              Specifies the name to be used for the generated reference dictionary file; if unspecified, the
              reference dictionary is created in a temporary file, which is deleted when  pdfroff  completes
              processing  of  the current document.  This option must be specified, if it is desired to save
              the reference dictionary, for use in references placed in other PDF documents.

              Causes pdfroff to display an informational message on standard error, at  the  start  of  each
              groff processing pass.

              Specifies  the  name  of an input file, to be used as a style sheet for formatting of content,
              which is to be placed before the table of contents, in the formatted PDF document.

              Causes pdfroff to display a version identification message.  The entire command line  is  then
              passed transparently to groff, in a one pass operation only, in order to display the associat-ed associated
              ed groff version information, before exiting.

       The following environment variables may be set, and exported, to modify the behaviour of pdfroff.

              Identifies the directory in which pdfroff should create temporary files.  If  GROFF_TMPDIR  is
              not  specified,  then  the  variables TMPDIR, TMP and TEMP are considered in turn, as possible
              temporary file repositories.  If none of these are set, then temporary files will  be  created
              in the current directory.

              Specifies the program to be invoked, when pdfroff converts groff PostScript output to PDF.  If
              GROFF_GHOSTSCRIPT_INTERPRETER is not specified, then pdfroff will  search  the  process  PATH,
              looking  for a program with any of the well known names for the GhostScript interpreter; if no
              GhostScript interpreter can be found, pdfroff will abort.

              Specifies the program to be invoked, when pdfroff is extracting reference  dictionary  entries
              from  a  groff  intermediate  message stream.  If GROFF_AWK_INTERPRETER is not specified, then
              pdfroff will search the process PATH, looking for  any  of  the  preferred  programs,  `gawk',
              `mawk',  `nawk'  and  `awk',  in  this order; if none of these are found, pdfroff will issue a
              warning message, and continue processing; however, in this case, no reference dictionary  will
              be created.

       OSTYPE Typically  defined  automatically  by  the  operating  system,  OSTYPE  is  used  on Microsoft
              Win32/MS-DOS platforms only, to infer the default PATH_SEPARATOR character, which is used when
              parsing the process PATH to search for external helper programs.

              If  set, PATH_SEPARATOR overrides the default separator character, (':' on POSIX/UNIX systems,
              inferred from OSTYPE on Microsoft Win32/MS-DOS), which is used when parsing the  process  PATH
              to search for external helper programs.

              If  this  is  set  to  a  non-empty  value,  then  pdfroff  will always behave as if the --re-port-progress --report-progress
              port-progress option is specified, on the command line.

       Input and output files for pdfroff may be named according to any convention  of  the  user's  choice.
       Typically,  input  files may be named according to the choice of the principal formatting macro pack-age, package,
       age, e.g., file.ms might be an input file for formatting using the ms macros (s.tmac); normally,  the
       final output file should be named file.pdf.

       Temporary  files,  created by pdfroff, are placed in the directory specified by environment variables
       (see section ENVIRONMENT), and named according to the convention pdf$$.*, where $$  is  the  standard
       shell  variable  representing the process ID of the pdfroff process itself, and * represents any of a
       number of extensions used by pdfroff for temporary and intermediate files.

       See groff(1) for the definitive reference to document formatting with groff.  Since pdfroff  provides
       a  superset of all groff capabilities, groff(1) may also be considered to be the definitive reference
       to all standard capabilities of pdfroff, with this document providing the reference to pdfroff's  ex-tended extended
       tended features.

       While  pdfroff  imposes  neither any restriction on, nor any requirement for, the use of any specific
       groff macro package, a number of supplied macro packages, and in particular those associated with the
       package pdfmark.tmac, are best suited for use with pdfroff as the preferred formatter.  Detailed doc-umentation documentation
       umentation on the use of these packages may be found, in PDF format, in the reference guide "Portable
       Document  Format  Publishing  with  GNU  Troff",  included  in  the  installed  documentation  set as

       Copyright (C) 2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc.

       This man page is distributed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (FDL), version 1.1
       or  later,  and  is  part of the GNU troff software package.  It was originally written by Keith Mar-shall, Marshall,
       shall, <keith.d.marshall@ntlworld.com>, who also wrote the implementation of the pdfroff program,  to
       which it relates.

       You  should  have received a copy of the FDL as part of the GNU troff distribution; it is also avail-able available
       able on-line, at the GNU "copyleft" site, <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html>.

Groff Version 1.19.2                             17 May 2005                                      PDFROFF(1)

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