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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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Эта страница руководства для  версии 10.9 Mac OS X

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qtdefaults(1)             BSD General Commands Manual            qtdefaults(1)

     qtdefaults -- access the QuickTime Preferences

     qtdefaults read LegacyAudioCodecsEnabled
     qtdefaults read LegacyVideoCodecs [<codec>]
     qtdefaults read InstalledLegacyVideoCodecs
     qtdefaults read TransportSettings
     qtdefaults read MimeSettings
     qtdefaults read MediaKeys [category]
     qtdefaults reset DownloadCache
     qtdefaults reset TransportSettings
     qtdefaults reset MimeSettings
     qtdefaults reset LegacyVideoCodecs
     qtdefaults write LegacyAudioCodecsEnabled <yes | no>
     qtdefaults write LegacyVideoCodecs <videocodec> <enabled | disabled>
     qtdefaults write MediaKeys <category> <key>
     qtdefaults write TransportSettings <protocol> <port>
     qtdefaults delete MediaKeys <category> <key>

     qtdefaults allows users to read, write, reset and delete QuickTime user preferences from a command line
     shell.  The commands are as follows:

     read LegacyAudioCodecsEnabled
              Prints whether legacy audio codecs are enabled for use in the export settings.

     read LegacyVideoCodecs <videocodec>
              Prints whether the specified legacy video codec is enabled for use in the export settings.  It
              will print "enabled" if the codec is enabled, "disabled" if disabled, or "unrecognized" if the
              codec is unknown.

     read LegacyVideoCodecs
              Prints list of legacy audio codecs currently enabled for use in the export settings.

     read InstalledLegacyVideoCodecs
              Prints out a list of all legacy video codecs installed in the current system.  This list
              includes both enabled and disabled video codecs. These codec identifiers are used with 'qtde-faults 'qtdefaults
              faults read LegacyVideoCodecs' and 'qtdefaults write LegacyVideoCodecs'.

     read TransportSettings
              Prints the transport settings being used by QuickTime for streaming media.

     read MimeSettings
              Prints the MIME types currently being handled by the QuickTime plugin.

     read MediaKeys <category>
              Prints the media keys being used by QuickTime to playback encrypted movies.  The optional
              <category> parameter can be used to list only the media keys associated with the specified

     reset DownloadCache
              Empties the cache being used by QuickTime to store downloaded content.

     reset TransportSettings
              Resets QuickTime to automatically determine the best protocol and port for streaming media.

     reset MimeSettings
              Resets QuickTime plug-in to handle the default MIME types.

     reset LegacyVideoCodecs
              Disables all QuickTime legacy video codecs.

     write LegacyAudioCodecsEnabled <value>
              A <value> of "yes" will enable the legacy audio codecs for use in the export settings and a
              <value> of "no" will disable them.

     write LegacyVideoCodecs <videocodec> <value>
              A <value> of "enabled" will enable the specified legacy video codec for use in the export set-tings settings
              tings and a <value> of "disabled" will disable it.

     write MediaKeys <category> <key>
              Adds the media key specified by <category> and <key> values to the list of media keys used to
              playback encrypted movies.

     write TransportSettings [protocol [port]]
              Sets QuickTime streaming to use the transport settings as specified by <protocol> and <port>.
              Following are the recommended values for <protocol> and <port>:
                    - To use HTTP, specify <protocol> = HTTP and <port> = 80
                    - To use UDP, specify <protocol> = UDP and either <port> = 554 or <port> = 7070

     delete MediaKeys <category> <key>
              Deletes the media key specified by <category> and <key> if it exists.


MacOS X                        October 11, 2013                        MacOS X

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