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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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SNMPSET(1)                                        Net-SNMP                                        SNMPSET(1)

       snmpset - communicates with a network entity using SNMP SET requests


       snmpset is an SNMP application that uses the SNMP SET request to set information on a network entity.
       One or more object identifiers (OIDs) must be given as arguments on the command line.  A type  and  a
       value  to  be  set  must accompany each object identifier.  Each variable name is given in the format
       specified in variables(5).

       The TYPE is a single character, one of:
              i  INTEGER
              u  UNSIGNED
              s  STRING
              x  HEX STRING
              d  DECIMAL STRING
              n  NULLOBJ
              o  OBJID
              t  TIMETICKS
              a  IPADDRESS
              b  BITS
       Most of these will use the obvious corresponding ASN.1 type.  's', 'x', 'd' and 'b' are all different
       ways of specifying an OCTET STRING value, and the 'u' unsigned type is also used for handling Gauge32

       If you have the proper MIB file loaded, you can, in most cases, replace the type with  an  '='  sign.
       For  an  object  of type OCTET STRING this will assume a string like the 's' type notation. For other
       types it will do "The Right Thing".

       For example:

       snmpset -c private -v 1 test-hub system.sysContact.0 s dpz@noc.rutgers.edu ip.ipforwarding.0 = 2

       will set the variables sysContact.0 and ipForwarding.0:

       system.sysContact.0 = STRING: "dpz@noc.rutgers.edu"
       ip.ipForwarding.0 = INTEGER: not-forwarding(2)

       If the network entity has an error processing the request packet, an error packet  will  be  returned
       and a message will be shown, helping to pinpoint in what way the request was malformed.

       snmpset takes the common options described in the snmpcmd(1) manual page.

       snmpcmd(1), variables(5).

V5.6                                             19 Jun 2003                                      SNMPSET(1)

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