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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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SNMPSTATUS(1)                                     Net-SNMP                                     SNMPSTATUS(1)

       snmpstatus - retrieves a fixed set of management information from a network entity

       snmpstatus [COMMON OPTIONS] [-Cf] AGENT

       snmpstatus  is an SNMP application that retrieves several important statistics from a network entity.

       AGENT identifies a target SNMP agent, which is instrumented to monitor the  given  objects.   At  its
       simplest,  the  AGENT specification will consist of a hostname or an IPv4 address.  n this situation,
       the command will attempt communication with the agent, using UDP/IPv4 to port 161 of the given target

       See the snmpcmd(1) manual page for a full list of the possible formats for AGENT.

       The information returned is:

              The IP address of the entity.
              A textual description of the entity (sysDescr.0)
              The uptime of the entity's SNMP agent (sysUpTime.0)
              The sum of received packets on all interfaces (ifInUCastPkts.* + ifInNUCastPkts.*)
              The sum of transmitted packets on all interfaces (ifOutUCastPkts.* + ifOutNUCastPkts.*)
              The number of IP input packets (ipInReceives.0)
              The number of IP output packets (ipOutRequests.0)

       For example:

       snmpstatus -c public -v 1 netdev-kbox.cc.cmu.edu

       will produce output similar to the following:

       []=>[Kinetics FastPath2] Up: 1 day, 4:43:31
       Interfaces: 1,  Recv/Trans packets: 262874/39867 | IP: 31603/15805

       snmpstatus also checks the operational status of all interfaces (ifOperStatus.*), and if it finds any
       that are not running, it will report in a manner similar to this:

       2 interfaces are down!

       If the network entity has an error processing the request packet, an error packet  will  be  returned
       and  a  message will be shown, helping to pinpoint in what way the request was malformed.  snmpstatus
       will attempt to reform its request to eliminate the malformed variable  (unless  the  -Cf  option  is
       given, see below), but this variable will then be missing from the displayed data.

              Please  see  snmpcmd(1)  for  a  list  of  possible values for COMMON OPTIONS as well as their

       -Cf    By default, snmpstatus will try to fix errors returned by the agent and retry  a  request.  In
              this situation, the command will display the data that it can. If the -Cf option is specified,
              then snmpstatus will not try to fix errors, and the error will cause the command to terminate.

       snmpcmd(1), snmpget(1)

V5.6                                             25 Jul 2003                                   SNMPSTATUS(1)

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