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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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SOELIM(1)                                                                                          SOELIM(1)

       soelim - interpret .so requests in groff input

       soelim [ -Crtv ] [ -Idir ] [ files... ]

       It is possible to have whitespace between the -I command line option and its parameter.

       soelim reads files and replaces lines of the form

              .so file

       by  the contents of file.  It is useful if files included with so need to be preprocessed.  Normally,
       soelim should be invoked with the -s option of groff.

       Note that there must be no whitespace between the leading dot and the two  characters  `s'  and  `o'.
       Otherwise, only groff interprets the .so request (and soelim ignores it).

       -C     Recognize .so even when followed by a character other than space or newline.

       -Idir  This  option may be used to specify a directory to search for files (both those on the command
              line and those named in .so requests).  The current directory is always searched first.   This
              option  may  be specified more than once, the directories will be searched in the order speci-fied. specified.
              fied.  No directory search is performed for files specified using an absolute path.

       -r     Do not add .lf requests (for general use, with non-groff files).

       -t     Don't emit .lf requests but TeX comment lines (starting with `%') giving the current file  and
              line number.

       -v     Print the version number.

       The normal processing sequence of groff is this:

                 input        sourced
                 file          file
                   |             |
                   v             v
               preprocessor -> troff -> postprocessor

       That  is,  files  sourced with .so are normally read only by troff (the actual formatter).  soelim is
       not required for troff to source files.

       If a file to be sourced should also be preprocessed, it must already be read before  the  input  file
       passes through the preprocessor.  This is handled by soelim:

                 soelim -> preprocessor -> troff -> postprocessor
                   ^                                     |
                   |                                     v
                sourced                               output
                 file                                  file


Groff Version 1.19.2                            6 August 2004                                      SOELIM(1)

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