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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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sysdiagnose(1)            BSD General Commands Manual           sysdiagnose(1)

     sysdiagnose -- gathers system-wide diagnostic information helpful in investigating system performance

     sysdiagnose -h
     sysdiagnose [-f results_directory] [-t] [-q] [-b] [process_name | pid]

     sysdiagnose tool gathers system diagnostic information helpful in investigating system performance
     issues. A great deal of information is harvested, spanning system state and configuration.  sysdiagnose
     needs to be run as root.  sysdiagnose can be triggered upon pressing a special key chord; this is cur-rently currently
     rently Control-Option-Command-Shift-Period.

   What sysdiagnose Collects:
           •   A spindump of the system
           •   Several seconds of fs_usage ouput
           •   Several seconds of top output
           •   Data about kernel zones
           •   Status of loaded kernel extensions
           •   Resident memory usage of user processes
           •   All system logs, kernel logs, opendirectory log, windowserver log, and log of power manage-ment management
               ment events
           •   A System Profiler report
           •   All spin and crash reports
           •   Disk usage information
           •   I/O Kit registry information
           •   Network status
           •   If a specific process is supplied as an argument: list of malloc-allocated buffers in the
               process's heap is collected
           •   If a specific process is supplied as an argument: data about unreferenced malloc buffers in
               the process's memory is collected
           •   If a specific process is supplied as an argument: data about the virtual memory regions allo-cated allocated
               cated in the process

     -h       Print full usage.

     -f results_directory
              Specify the directory where the results will be stored. The default results directory is

     -q       Skips calling footprint.

     -t       Enable "Thorough Mode". See below.

     -b       Do not show the resulting archive in a Finder window upon completion.

     process_name | pid
              If a single process appears to be slowing down the system, passing in the process name or ID
              as the argument gathers additional process-specific diagnostic data.

     sysdiagnose can be run in a "Thorough Mode" in which standard data is gathered as well as a kernel
     trace. Enabling "Thorough Mode" for the command-line sysdiagnose and key-chord sysdiagnose are indepen-dent independent
     dent and are performed as follows:

     For "Thorough Mode" in the command-line sysdiagnose use the "-t" flag.

     To enable "Thorough Mode" for special key-chord launches of sysdiagnose execute "touch /var/tmp/.thor-oughsysdiagnose" /var/tmp/.thoroughsysdiagnose"

     To disable "Thorough Mode" for special key-chord launches of sysdiagnose execute "rm /var/tmp/.thor-oughsysdiagnose" /var/tmp/.thoroughsysdiagnose"

     Gathering the kernel trace can increase the size of sysdiagnose output by hundreds of MB as well as
     increase the time for sysdiagnose to complete.

     sysdiagnose exits with status 0 if there were no internal errors encountered during the diagnostic, or
     >0 when an error unrelated to external state occurs or unusable input is provided by the user.

Darwin                         October 11, 2013                         Darwin

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