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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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       Apache2::ConnectionUtil - Perl API for Apache connection utils

          use Apache2::Connection     ();
          use Apache2::ConnectionUtil ();
          use Apache2::RequestRec     ();

          # grab the connection object;
          my $c = $r->connection;

          # share perl objects like $r->pnotes
          $old_val = $c->pnotes($key => $value);

       "Apache2::ConnectionUtil" provides the Apache connection record object utilities API.

       "Apache2::ConnectionUtil" provides the following functions and/or methods:

       Share Perl variables between requests over the lifetime of the connection.

          $old_val  = $c->pnotes($key => $val);
          $val      = $c->pnotes($key);
          $hash_ref = $c->pnotes();

       obj: $c ( "Apache2::Connection object" )
       opt arg1: $key ( string )
           A key value

       opt arg2: $val ( SCALAR )
           Any scalar value (e.g. a reference to an array)

       ret: (3 different possible values)
           if both, $key and $val are passed the previous value for $key is returned if such existed,
           otherwise undef is returned.

           if only $key is passed, the current value for the given key is returned.

           if no arguments are passed, a hash reference is returned, which can then be directly accessed
           without going through the "pnotes()" interface.

       since: 2.0.3

       See ("Apache2::RequestUtil::pnotes") for the details of the "pnotes" method usage.  The usage is
       identical except for a few differences.  First is the use of $c instead of $r as the invocant.  The
       second is that the the data persists for the lifetime of the connection instead of the lifetime of
       the request.  If the connection is lost, so is the data stored in "pnotes".

See Also


       mod_perl 2.0 documentation.

       mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.

       The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors.

perl v5.16.2                  apache_mod_perl-1082011-02-07perl-2.0.7::docs::api::Apache2::ConnectionUtil(3)

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