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Archive::Tar::File(3pm)               Perl Programmers Reference Guide               Archive::Tar::File(3pm)

       Archive::Tar::File - a subclass for in-memory extracted file from Archive::Tar

           my @items = $tar->get_files;

           print $_->name, ' ', $_->size, "\n" for @items;

           print $object->get_content;
           $object->replace_content('new content');

           $object->rename( 'new/full/path/to/file.c' );

       Archive::Tar::Files provides a neat little object layer for in-memory extracted files. It's mostly
       used internally in Archive::Tar to tidy up the code, but there's no reason users shouldn't use this
       API as well.

       A lot of the methods in this package are accessors to the various fields in the tar header:

           The file's name

           The file's mode

       uid The user id owning the file

       gid The group id owning the file

           File size in bytes

           Modification time. Adjusted to mac-time on MacOS if required

           Checksum field for the tar header

           File type -- numeric, but comparable to exported constants -- see Archive::Tar's documentation

           If the file is a symlink, the file it's pointing to

           Tar magic string -- not useful for most users

           Tar version string -- not useful for most users

           The user name that owns the file

           The group name that owns the file

           Device major number in case of a special file

           Device minor number in case of a special file

           Any directory to prefix to the extraction path, if any

       raw Raw tar header -- not useful for most users

   Archive::Tar::File->new( file => $path )
       Returns a new Archive::Tar::File object from an existing file.

       Returns undef on failure.

   Archive::Tar::File->new( data => $path, $data, $opt )
       Returns a new Archive::Tar::File object from data.

       $path defines the file name (which need not exist), $data the file contents, and $opt is a reference
       to a hash of attributes which may be used to override the default attributes (fields in the tar
       header), which are described above in the Accessors section.

       Returns undef on failure.

   Archive::Tar::File->new( chunk => $chunk )
       Returns a new Archive::Tar::File object from a raw 512-byte tar archive chunk.

       Returns undef on failure.

   $bool = $file->extract( [ $alternative_name ] )
       Extract this object, optionally to an alternative name.

       See "Archive::Tar->extract_file" for details.

       Returns true on success and false on failure.

   $path = $file->full_path
       Returns the full path from the tar header; this is basically a concatenation of the "prefix" and
       "name" fields.

   $bool = $file->validate
       Done by Archive::Tar internally when reading the tar file: validate the header against the checksum
       to ensure integer tar file.

       Returns true on success, false on failure

   $bool = $file->has_content
       Returns a boolean to indicate whether the current object has content.  Some special files like
       directories and so on never will have any content. This method is mainly to make sure you don't get
       warnings for using uninitialized values when looking at an object's content.

   $content = $file->get_content
       Returns the current content for the in-memory file

   $cref = $file->get_content_by_ref
       Returns the current content for the in-memory file as a scalar reference. Normal users won't need
       this, but it will save memory if you are dealing with very large data files in your tar archive,
       since it will pass the contents by reference, rather than make a copy of it first.

   $bool = $file->replace_content( $content )
       Replace the current content of the file with the new content. This only affects the in-memory
       archive, not the on-disk version until you write it.

       Returns true on success, false on failure.

   $bool = $file->rename( $new_name )
       Rename the current file to $new_name.

       Note that you must specify a Unix path for $new_name, since per tar standard, all files in the
       archive must be Unix paths.

       Returns true on success and false on failure.

Convenience methods
       To quickly check the type of a "Archive::Tar::File" object, you can use the following methods:

           Returns true if the file is of type "file"

           Returns true if the file is of type "dir"

           Returns true if the file is of type "hardlink"

           Returns true if the file is of type "symlink"

           Returns true if the file is of type "chardev"

           Returns true if the file is of type "blockdev"

           Returns true if the file is of type "fifo"

           Returns true if the file is of type "socket"

           Returns true if the file is of type "LongLink".  Should not happen after a successful "read".

           Returns true if the file is of type "Label".  Should not happen after a successful "read".

           Returns true if the file type is "unknown"

perl v5.12.5                                     2012-11-03                          Archive::Tar::File(3pm)

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