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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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BIO_f_buffer(3)                                    OpenSSL                                   BIO_f_buffer(3)

       BIO_f_buffer - buffering BIO

        #include <openssl/bio.h>

        BIO_METHOD * BIO_f_buffer(void);

        #define BIO_get_buffer_num_lines(b)    BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_BUFF_NUM_LINES,0,NULL)
        #define BIO_set_read_buffer_size(b,size) BIO_int_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUFF_SIZE,size,0)
        #define BIO_set_write_buffer_size(b,size) BIO_int_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUFF_SIZE,size,1)
        #define BIO_set_buffer_size(b,size)    BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUFF_SIZE,size,NULL)
        #define BIO_set_buffer_read_data(b,buf,num) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUFF_READ_DATA,num,buf)

       BIO_f_buffer() returns the buffering BIO method.

       Data written to a buffering BIO is buffered and periodically written to the next BIO in the chain.
       Data read from a buffering BIO comes from an internal buffer which is filled from the next BIO in the
       chain.  Both BIO_gets() and BIO_puts() are supported.

       Calling BIO_reset() on a buffering BIO clears any buffered data.

       BIO_get_buffer_num_lines() returns the number of lines currently buffered.

       BIO_set_read_buffer_size(), BIO_set_write_buffer_size() and BIO_set_buffer_size() set the read, write
       or both read and write buffer sizes to size. The initial buffer size is DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE,
       currently 4096. Any attempt to reduce the buffer size below DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE is ignored. Any
       buffered data is cleared when the buffer is resized.

       BIO_set_buffer_read_data() clears the read buffer and fills it with num bytes of buf. If num is
       larger than the current buffer size the buffer is expanded.

       Buffering BIOs implement BIO_gets() by using BIO_read() operations on the next BIO in the chain. By
       prepending a buffering BIO to a chain it is therefore possible to provide BIO_gets() functionality if
       the following BIOs do not support it (for example SSL BIOs).

       Data is only written to the next BIO in the chain when the write buffer fills or when BIO_flush() is
       called. It is therefore important to call BIO_flush() whenever any pending data should be written
       such as when removing a buffering BIO using BIO_pop(). BIO_flush() may need to be retried if the
       ultimate source/sink BIO is non blocking.

       BIO_f_buffer() returns the buffering BIO method.

       BIO_get_buffer_num_lines() returns the number of lines buffered (may be 0).

       BIO_set_read_buffer_size(), BIO_set_write_buffer_size() and BIO_set_buffer_size() return 1 if the
       buffer was successfully resized or 0 for failure.

       BIO_set_buffer_read_data() returns 1 if the data was set correctly or 0 if there was an error.

       BIO(3), BIO_reset(3), BIO_flush(3), BIO_pop(3), BIO_ctrl(3), BIO_int_ctrl(3)

50                                               2013-03-05                                  BIO_f_buffer(3)

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