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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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Log::Message::Simple(3pm)             Perl Programmers Reference Guide             Log::Message::Simple(3pm)

       Log::Message::Simple - Simplified interface to Log::Message

           use Log::Message::Simple qw[msg error debug
                                       carp croak cluck confess];

           use Log::Message::Simple qw[:STD :CARP];

           ### standard reporting functionality
           msg(    "Connecting to database",           $verbose );
           error(  "Database connection failed: $@",   $verbose );
           debug(  "Connection arguments were: $args", $debug );

           ### standard carp functionality
           carp(   "Wrong arguments passed: @_" );
           croak(  "Fatal: wrong arguments passed: @_" );
           cluck(  "Wrong arguments passed -- including stacktrace: @_" );
           confess("Fatal: wrong arguments passed -- including stacktrace: @_" );

           ### retrieve individual message
           my @stack = Log::Message::Simple->stack;
           my @stack = Log::Message::Simple->flush;

           ### retrieve the entire stack in printable form
           my $msgs  = Log::Message::Simple->stack_as_string;
           my $trace = Log::Message::Simple->stack_as_string(1);

           ### redirect output
           local $Log::Message::Simple::MSG_FH     = \*STDERR;
           local $Log::Message::Simple::ERROR_FH   = \*STDERR;
           local $Log::Message::Simple::DEBUG_FH   = \*STDERR;

           ### force a stacktrace on error
           local $Log::Message::Simple::STACKTRACE_ON_ERROR = 1

       This module provides standardized logging facilities using the "Log::Message" module.

   msg("message string" [,VERBOSE])
       Records a message on the stack, and prints it to "STDOUT" (or actually $MSG_FH, see the "GLOBAL
       VARIABLES" section below), if the "VERBOSE" option is true.  The "VERBOSE" option defaults to false.

       Exported by default, or using the ":STD" tag.

   debug("message string" [,VERBOSE])
       Records a debug message on the stack, and prints it to "STDOUT" (or actually $DEBUG_FH, see the
       "GLOBAL VARIABLES" section below), if the "VERBOSE" option is true.  The "VERBOSE" option defaults to

       Exported by default, or using the ":STD" tag.

   error("error string" [,VERBOSE])
       Records an error on the stack, and prints it to "STDERR" (or actually $ERROR_FH, see the "GLOBAL
       VARIABLES" sections below), if the "VERBOSE" option is true.  The "VERBOSE" options defaults to true.

       Exported by default, or using the ":STD" tag.

       Provides functionality equal to "Carp::carp()" while still logging to the stack.

       Exported by using the ":CARP" tag.

       Provides functionality equal to "Carp::croak()" while still logging to the stack.

       Exported by using the ":CARP" tag.

       Provides functionality equal to "Carp::confess()" while still logging to the stack.

       Exported by using the ":CARP" tag.

       Provides functionality equal to "Carp::cluck()" while still logging to the stack.

       Exported by using the ":CARP" tag.

       Retrieves all the items on the stack. Since "Log::Message::Simple" is implemented using
       "Log::Message", consult its manpage for the function "retrieve" to see what is returned and how to
       use the items.

       Returns the whole stack as a printable string. If the "TRACE" option is true all items are returned
       with "Carp::longmess" output, rather than just the message.  "TRACE" defaults to false.

       Removes all the items from the stack and returns them. Since "Log::Message::Simple" is  implemented
       using "Log::Message", consult its manpage for the function "retrieve" to see what is returned and how
       to use the items.

           This is the filehandle all the messages sent to "error()" are being printed. This defaults to

           This is the filehandle all the messages sent to "msg()" are being printed. This default to

           This is the filehandle all the messages sent to "debug()" are being printed. This default to

           If this option is set to "true", every call to "error()" will generate a stacktrace using
           "Carp::shortmess()".  Defaults to "false"

perl v5.12.5                                     2012-11-03                        Log::Message::Simple(3pm)

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Отчеты об ошибках
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Форматирование проблем
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