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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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Launch(3)                            User Contributed Perl Documentation                           Launch(3)

       Mac::Apps::Launch - Mac module to launch /quit applications

           use Mac::Apps::Launch;
           my @apps = qw(R*ch Arch MPGP);
           my $path = "HD:System Folder:Finder";
           LaunchApps([@apps], 1) or warn $^E; # launch and switch to front
           LaunchApps([@apps])    or warn $^E; # launch and don't switch
           LaunchApps($app, 1)    or warn $^E; # launch and switch to front
           LaunchSpecs($path, 1)  or warn $^E; # use path instead of app ID
           QuitApps(@apps)        or warn $^E; # quit all @apps
           QuitAllApps(@apps)     or warn $^E; # quit all except @apps
           IsRunning('MACS');                  # returns boolean for whether
                                               # given app ID is running
           SetFront('MACS')       or warn $^E; # set Finder to front
           Hide('MACS')           or warn $^E; # hide Finder
           Show('Finder', 1)      or warn $^E; # show Finder (1 == use name)

       Simply launch or quit applications by their creator ID.  The Finder can be quit in this way, though
       it cannot be launched in this way.

       This module is used by many other modules.

       This module as written does not work with MacPerls prior to 5.1.4r4.

       "Hide" and "Show" do not currently work on Mac OS X.

       Apps that don't have signatures under Mac OS X currently aren't handled, except with LaunchSpecs().

       "SetFront" and "IsRunning" can take a four-char creator ID ('MACS'), a bundle ID
       ('com.apple.Finder'), or a path (/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app).  They both optionally take
       a second parameter which affirms that the data is indeed a path (for those rare cases where a path
       might possibly look like a creator ID or bundle ID ... you never know).

       "IsRunning" will return the PSN of the application if it is running, which you can then use for
       targetting the app, or converting to a PID (with "Mac::Processes::GetProcessPID()"), to send signals
       to it.

       Exports functions "QuitApps", "QuitAllApps", and "LaunchApps", "IsRunning", "LaunchSpecs",
       "SetFront", "Hide", "Show".

       Chris Nandor <pudge@pobox.com>, http://pudge.net/

       Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Chris Nandor.  All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can
       redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl v5.12.5                                     2007-01-03                                        Launch(3)

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