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Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native(3)    User Contributed Perl Documentation   Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native(3)

       Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native - Delegate to native Perl types

       version 2.0604

         package MyClass;
         use Moose;

         has 'mapping' => (
             traits  => ['Hash'],
             is      => 'rw',
             isa     => 'HashRef[Str]',
             default => sub { {} },
             handles => {
                 exists_in_mapping => 'exists',
                 ids_in_mapping    => 'keys',
                 get_mapping       => 'get',
                 set_mapping       => 'set',
                 set_quantity      => [ set => 'quantity' ],

         my $obj = MyClass->new;
         $obj->set_quantity(10);      # quantity => 10
         $obj->set_mapping('foo', 4); # foo => 4
         $obj->set_mapping('bar', 5); # bar => 5
         $obj->set_mapping('baz', 6); # baz => 6

         # prints 5
         print $obj->get_mapping('bar') if $obj->exists_in_mapping('bar');

         # prints 'quantity, foo, bar, baz'
         print join ', ', $obj->ids_in_mapping;

       Native delegations allow you to delegate to native Perl data structures as if they were objects. For
       example, in the "SYNOPSIS" you can see a hash reference being treated as if it has methods named
       "exists()", "keys()", "get()", and "set()".

       The delegation methods (mostly) map to Perl builtins and operators. The return values of these
       delegations should be the same as the corresponding Perl operation. Any deviations will be explicitly

       Native delegations are enabled by passing certain options to "has" when creating an attribute.

       To enable this feature, pass the appropriate name in the "traits" array reference for the attribute.
       For example, to enable this feature for hash reference, we include 'Hash' in the list of traits.

       You will need to make sure that the attribute has an appropriate type. For example, to use this with
       a Hash you must specify that your attribute is some sort of "HashRef".

       This is just like any other delegation, but only a hash reference is allowed when defining native
       delegations. The keys are the methods to be created in the class which contains the attribute. The
       values are the methods provided by the associated trait. Currying works the same way as it does with
       any other delegation.

       See the docs for each native trait for details on what methods are available.

       Some traits provide a default "is" for historical reasons. This behavior is deprecated, and you are
       strongly encouraged to provide a value. If you don't plan to read and write the attribute value
       directly, not passing the "is" option will prevent standard accessor generation.

   default or builder
       Some traits provide a default "default" for historical reasons. This behavior is deprecated, and you
       are strongly encouraged to provide a default value or make the attribute required.

               has 'queue' => (
                   traits  => ['Array'],
                   is      => 'ro',
                   isa     => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
                   default => sub { [] },
                   handles => {
                       add_item  => 'push',
                       next_item => 'shift',
                       # ...

               has 'is_lit' => (
                   traits  => ['Bool'],
                   is      => 'ro',
                   isa     => 'Bool',
                   default => 0,
                   handles => {
                       illuminate  => 'set',
                       darken      => 'unset',
                       flip_switch => 'toggle',
                       is_dark     => 'not',
                       # ...

               has 'callback' => (
                   traits  => ['Code'],
                   is      => 'ro',
                   isa     => 'CodeRef',
                   default => sub {
                       sub {'called'}
                   handles => {
                       call => 'execute',
                       # ...

               has 'counter' => (
                   traits  => ['Counter'],
                   is      => 'ro',
                   isa     => 'Num',
                   default => 0,
                   handles => {
                       inc_counter   => 'inc',
                       dec_counter   => 'dec',
                       reset_counter => 'reset',
                       # ...

               has 'options' => (
                   traits  => ['Hash'],
                   is      => 'ro',
                   isa     => 'HashRef[Str]',
                   default => sub { {} },
                   handles => {
                       set_option => 'set',
                       get_option => 'get',
                       has_option => 'exists',
                       # ...

               has 'integer' => (
                   traits  => ['Number'],
                   is      => 'ro',
                   isa     => 'Int',
                   default => 5,
                   handles => {
                       set => 'set',
                       add => 'add',
                       sub => 'sub',
                       mul => 'mul',
                       div => 'div',
                       mod => 'mod',
                       abs => 'abs',
                       # ...

               has 'text' => (
                   traits  => ['String'],
                   is      => 'ro',
                   isa     => 'Str',
                   default => q{},
                   handles => {
                       add_text     => 'append',
                       replace_text => 'replace',
                       # ...

COMPATIBILITY WITH MooseX::AttributeHelpers
       This feature used to be a separated CPAN distribution called MooseX::AttributeHelpers.

       When the feature was incorporated into the Moose core, some of the API details were changed. The
       underlying capabilities are the same, but some details of the API were changed.

       See "BUGS" in Moose for details on reporting bugs.

       Moose is maintained by the Moose Cabal, along with the help of many contributors. See "CABAL" in
       Moose and "CONTRIBUTORS" in Moose for details.

       This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Infinity Interactive, Inc..

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.

perl v5.16.2                                     2012-09-19                Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native(3)

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Ошибки содержания
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Отчеты об ошибках
Сообщите об ошибках в функциональности описанного инструмента или API к Apple через Генератор отчетов Ошибки и к проекту Perl, использующему perlbug (1).
Форматирование проблем
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