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Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Hash(3)ributed Perl Documentationa::Attribute::Native::Trait::Hash(3)

       Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Hash - Helper trait for HashRef attributes

       version 2.0205

         package Stuff;
         use Moose;

         has 'options' => (
             traits    => ['Hash'],
             is        => 'ro',
             isa       => 'HashRef[Str]',
             default   => sub { {} },
             handles   => {
                 set_option     => 'set',
                 get_option     => 'get',
                 has_no_options => 'is_empty',
                 num_options    => 'count',
                 delete_option  => 'delete',
                 option_pairs   => 'kv',

       This trait provides native delegation methods for hash references.

       get($key, $key2, $key3...)
           Returns values from the hash.

           In list context it returns a list of values in the hash for the given keys. In scalar context it
           returns the value for the last key specified.

           This method requires at least one argument.

       set($key => $value, $key2 => $value2...)
           Sets the elements in the hash to the given values. It returns the new values set for each key, in
           the same order as the keys passed to the method.

           This method requires at least two arguments, and expects an even number of arguments.

       delete($key, $key2, $key3...)
           Removes the elements with the given keys.

           In list context it returns a list of values in the hash for the deleted keys. In scalar context
           it returns the value for the last key specified.

           Returns the list of keys in the hash.

           This method does not accept any arguments.

           Returns true if the given key is present in the hash.

           This method requires a single argument.

           Returns true if the value of a given key is defined.

           This method requires a single argument.

           Returns the list of values in the hash.

           This method does not accept any arguments.

       kv  Returns the key/value pairs in the hash as an array of array references.

             for my $pair ( $object->options->kv ) {
                 print "$pair->[0] = $pair->[1]\n";

           This method does not accept any arguments.

           Returns the key/value pairs in the hash as a flattened list..

           This method does not accept any arguments.

           Resets the hash to an empty value, like "%hash = ()".

           This method does not accept any arguments.

           Returns the number of elements in the hash. Also useful for not empty: "has_options => 'count'".

           This method does not accept any arguments.

           If the hash is populated, returns false. Otherwise, returns true.

           This method does not accept any arguments.

       accessor($key, $value)
           If passed one argument, returns the value of the specified key. If passed two arguments, sets the
           value of the specified key.

           When called as a setter, this method returns the value that was set.

           This method returns a shallow clone of the hash reference.  The return value is a reference to a
           new hash with the same keys and values.  It is shallow because any values that were references in
           the original will be the same references in the clone.

       Note that "each" is deliberately omitted, due to its stateful interaction with the hash iterator.
       "keys" or "kv" are much safer.


       See "BUGS" in Moose for details on reporting bugs.

       Stevan Little <stevan@iinteractive.com>

       This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Infinity Interactive, Inc..

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.

perl v5.12.5                                     2011-09-06   Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Hash(3)

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