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Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable(3)  User Contributed Perl Documentation Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable(3)

       Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable - programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS


           use Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable;
           use Net::DNS::RR;

           my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable->new(
               records         => {
                   'example.com'     => [
                       Net::DNS::RR->new('example.com.     NS  ns.example.org.'),
                       Net::DNS::RR->new('example.com.     A')
                   'ns.example.org'  => [
                       Net::DNS::RR->new('ns.example.org.  A')

               resolver_code   => sub {
                   my ($domain, $rr_type, $class) = @_;
                   return ($result, $aa, @rrs);

       Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable is a Net::DNS::Resolver descendant class that allows a virtual DNS
       to be emulated instead of querying the real DNS.  A set of static DNS records may be supplied, or
       arbitrary code may be specified as a means for retrieving DNS records, or even generating them on the

       The following constructor is provided:

       new(%options): returns Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable
           Creates a new programmed DNS resolver object.

           %options is a list of key/value pairs representing any of the following options:

               A reference to a hash of arrays containing a static set of Net::DNS::RR objects.  The hash
               entries must be indexed by fully qualified domain names (lower-case, without any trailing
               dots), and the entries themselves must be arrays of the RR objects pertaining to these domain
               names.  For example:

                   records => {
                       'example.com'     => [
                           Net::DNS::RR->new('example.com.     NS  ns.example.org.'),
                           Net::DNS::RR->new('example.com.     A')
                       'www.example.com' => [
                           Net::DNS::RR->new('www.example.com. A')
                       'ns.example.org'  => [
                           Net::DNS::RR->new('ns.example.org.  A')

               If this option is specified, the resolver retrieves requested RRs from this data structure.

               A code reference used as a call-back for dynamically retrieving requested RRs.

               The code must take the following query parameters as arguments: the domain, RR type, and

               It must return a list composed of: the response's RCODE (by name, as returned by
               Net::DNS::Header->rcode), the "aa" (authoritative answer) flag (boolean, use undef if you
               don't care), and the Net::DNS::RR answer objects.  If an error string is returned instead of
               a valid RCODE, a Net::DNS::Packet object is not constructed but an error condition for the
               resolver is signaled instead.

               For example:

                   resolver_code => sub {
                       my ($domain, $rr_type, $class) = @_;
                       return ($result, $aa, @rrs);

               If both this and the "records" option are specified, then statically programmed records are
               used in addition to any that are returned by the configured resolver code.

               These Net::DNS::Resolver options are also meaningful with Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable.
               See Net::DNS::Resolver for their descriptions.

   Instance methods
       The following instance methods of Net::DNS::Resolver are also supported by

       search: returns Net::DNS::Packet
       query: returns Net::DNS::Packet
       send: returns Net::DNS::Packet
           Performs an offline DNS query, using the statically programmed DNS RRs and/or the configured
           dynamic resolver code.  See the "new" constructor's "records" and "resolver_code" options.  See
           the descriptions of search, query, and send for details about the calling syntax of these

       string: returns string
       searchlist: returns list of string
       defnames: returns boolean
       dnsrch: returns boolean
       debug: returns boolean
       errorstring: returns string
       answerfrom: returns string
       answersize: returns integer
           See "METHODS" in Net::DNS::Resolver.

       Currently the following methods of Net::DNS::Resolver are not supported: axfr, axfr_start, axfr_next,
       nameservers, port, srcport, srcaddr, bgsend, bgread, bgisready, tsig, retrans, retry, recurse, usevc,
       tcp_timeout, udp_timeout, persistent_tcp, persistent_udp, igntc, dnssec, cdflag, udppacketsize.  The
       effects of using these on Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable objects are undefined.


       For availability, support, and license information, see the README file included with

       Julian Mehnle <julian@mehnle.net>

perl v5.12.5                                     2013-08-25              Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable(3)

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