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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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PPI::Document::File(3)               User Contributed Perl Documentation              PPI::Document::File(3)

       PPI::Document::File - A Perl Document located in a specific file

       WARNING: This class is experimental, and may change without notice

       PPI::Document::File provides a PPI::Document subclass that represents a Perl document stored in a
       specific named file.

         my $file = PPI::Document::File->new( 'Module.pm' );

       The "new" constructor works the same as for the regular one, except that the only params allowed is a
       file name. You cannot create an "anonymous" PPI::Document::File object, not can you create an empty

       Returns a new PPI::Document::File object, or "undef" on error.

       The "filename" accessor returns the name of the file in which the document is stored.

         # Save to the file we were loaded from

         # Save a copy to somewhere else
         $file->save( 'Module2.pm' );

       The "save" method works similarly to the one in the parent PPI::Document class, saving a copy of the
       document to a file.

       The difference with this subclass is that if "save" is not passed any filename, it will save it back
       to the file it was loaded from.

       Note: When saving to a different file, it is considered to be saving a copy and so the value returned
       by the "filename" accessor will stay the same, and not change to the new filename.

       - May need to overload some methods to forcefully prevent Document objects becoming children of
       another Node.

       See the support section in the main module.

       Adam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org>

       Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl

       The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

perl v5.12.5                                     2011-02-25                           PPI::Document::File(3)

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