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Perl6::Junction(3)                   User Contributed Perl Documentation                  Perl6::Junction(3)

       Perl6::Junction - Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5.

         use Perl6::Junction qw/ all any none one /;

         if (any(@grant) eq 'su') {

         if (all($foo, $bar) >= 10) {

         if (qr/^\d+$/ == all(@answers)) {

         if (all(@input) <= @limits) {

         if (none(@pass) eq 'password') {

         if (one(@answer) == 42) {

       This is a lightweight module which provides 'Junction' operators, the most commonly used being "any"
       and "all".

       Inspired by the Perl6 design docs, <http://dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/exe/E06.html>.

       Provides a limited subset of the functionality of Quantum::Superpositions, see "SEE ALSO" for

       Notice in the "SYNOPSIS" above, that if you want to match against a regular expression, you must use
       "==" or "!=". Not "=~" or "!~". You must also use a regex object, such as "qr/\d/", not a plain regex
       such as "/\d/".

       Returns an object which overloads the following operators:

         '<',  '<=', '>',  '>=', '==', '!=',
         'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne',

       Returns true only if all arguments test true according to the operator used.

       Returns an object which overloads the following operators:

         '<',  '<=', '>',  '>=', '==', '!=',
         'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne',

       Returns true if any argument tests true according to the operator used.

       Returns an object which overloads the following operators:

         '<',  '<=', '>',  '>=', '==', '!=',
         'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne',

       Returns true only if no argument tests true according to the operator used.

       Returns an object which overloads the following operators:

         '<',  '<=', '>',  '>=', '==', '!=',
         'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne',

       Returns true only if one and only one argument tests true according to the operator used.

       You cannot alter junctions.  Instead, you can create new junctions out of old junctions.  You can do
       this by calling the "values" method on a junction.

        my $numbers = any(qw/1 2 3 4 5/);
        print $numbers == 3 ? 'Yes' : 'No';   # Yes

        $numbers = any( grep { $_ != 3 } $numbers->values );
        print $numbers == 3 ? 'Yes' : 'No';   # No

       'all', 'any', 'none', 'one', as requested.

       All subroutines can be called by its fully qualified name, if you don't want to export them.

         use Perl6::Junction;

         if (Perl6::Junction::any( @questions )) {

       When comparing against a regular expression, you must remember to use a regular expression object:
       "qr/\d/" Not "/d/". You must also use either "==" or "!=". This is because "=~" and "!~" cannot be

       Add overloading for arithmetic operators, such that this works:

         $result = any(2,3,4) * 2;

         if ($result == 8) {...}

       Submit to the CPAN bugtracker <http://rt.cpan.org>

       Quantum::Superpositions provides the same functionality as this, and more. However, this module
       provides this limited functionality at a much greater runtime speed, with my benchmarks showing
       between 500% and 6000% improvment.

       <http://dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/exe/E06.html> - "The Wonderful World of Junctions".

       Carl Franks

       Thanks to "Curtis "Ovid" Poe" for the "ALTERING JUNCTIONS" changes in release 0.40000.

       Copyright 2005, Carl Franks.  All rights reserved.

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
       itself (perlgpl, perlartistic).

perl v5.16.2                                     2012-09-11                               Perl6::Junction(3)

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