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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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TAP::Parser::Result(3pm)              Perl Programmers Reference Guide              TAP::Parser::Result(3pm)

       TAP::Parser::Result - Base class for TAP::Parser output objects

       Version 3.17

         # abstract class - not meany to be used directly
         # see TAP::Parser::ResultFactory for preferred usage

         # directly:
         use TAP::Parser::Result;
         my $token  = {...};
         my $result = TAP::Parser::Result->new( $token );

       This is a simple base class used by TAP::Parser to store objects that represent the current bit of
       test output data from TAP (usually a single line).  Unless you're subclassing, you probably won't
       need to use this module directly.


         # see TAP::Parser::ResultFactory for preferred usage

         # to use directly:
         my $result = TAP::Parser::Result->new($token);

       Returns an instance the appropriate class for the test token passed in.

   Boolean methods
       The following methods all return a boolean value and are to be overridden in the appropriate


           Indicates whether or not this is the test plan line.



           Indicates whether or not this is a pragma line.

            pragma +strict


           Indicates whether or not this is a test line.

            ok 1 Is OK!


           Indicates whether or not this is a comment.

            # this is a comment


           Indicates whether or not this is bailout line.

            Bail out! We're out of dilithium crystals.


           Indicates whether or not this is a TAP version line.

            TAP version 4


           Indicates whether or not the current line could be parsed.

            ... this line is junk ...


           Indicates whether or not this is a YAML chunk.


         print $result->raw;

       Returns the original line of text which was parsed.


         my $type = $result->type;

       Returns the "type" of a token, such as "comment" or "test".


         print $result->as_string;

       Prints a string representation of the token.  This might not be the exact output, however.  Tests
       will have test numbers added if not present, TODO and SKIP directives will be capitalized and, in
       general, things will be cleaned up.  If you need the original text for the token, see the "raw"


         if ( $result->is_ok ) { ... }

       Reports whether or not a given result has passed.  Anything which is not a test result returns true.
       This is merely provided as a convenient shortcut.


       Deprecated.  Please use "is_ok" instead.


         if ( $result->has_directive ) {

       Indicates whether or not the given result has a TODO or SKIP directive.


        if ( $result->has_todo ) {

       Indicates whether or not the given result has a TODO directive.


        if ( $result->has_skip ) {

       Indicates whether or not the given result has a SKIP directive.


       Set the directive associated with this token. Used internally to fake TODO tests.

       Please see "SUBCLASSING" in TAP::Parser for a subclassing overview.

       Remember: if you want your subclass to be automatically used by the parser, you'll have to register
       it with "register_type" in TAP::Parser::ResultFactory.

       If you're creating a completely new result type, you'll probably need to subclass
       TAP::Parser::Grammar too, or else it'll never get used.

         package MyResult;

         use strict;
         use vars '@ISA';

         @ISA = 'TAP::Parser::Result';

         # register with the factory:
         TAP::Parser::ResultFactory->register_type( 'my_type' => __PACKAGE__ );

         sub as_string { 'My results all look the same' }

       TAP::Object, TAP::Parser, TAP::Parser::ResultFactory, TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout,
       TAP::Parser::Result::Comment, TAP::Parser::Result::Plan, TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma,
       TAP::Parser::Result::Test, TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown, TAP::Parser::Result::Version,

perl v5.12.5                                     2012-11-03                         TAP::Parser::Result(3pm)

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Ошибки содержания
Ошибки отчета в содержании этой документации к проекту Perl. (См. perlbug (1) для инструкций представления.)
Отчеты об ошибках
Сообщите об ошибках в функциональности описанного инструмента или API к Apple через Генератор отчетов Ошибки и к проекту Perl, использующему perlbug (1).
Форматирование проблем
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