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Tcl_Concat(3) Tcl Library Procedures Tcl_Concat(3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME Tcl_Concat - concatenate a collection of strings SYNOPSIS #include <tcl.h> const char * Tcl_Concat(argc, argv) ARGUMENTS int argc (in) Number of strings. const char *const argv[] (in) Array of strings to concatenate. Must have argc entries. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION Tcl_Concat is a utility procedure used by several of the Tcl commands. Given a collection of strings, it concatenates them together into a single string, with the original strings separated by spaces. This procedure behaves differently than Tcl_Merge, in that the arguments are simply concate-nated: concatenated: nated: no effort is made to ensure proper list structure. However, in most common usage the argu-ments arguments ments will all be proper lists themselves; if this is true, then the result will also have proper list structure. Tcl_Concat eliminates leading and trailing white space as it copies strings from argv to the result. If an element of argv consists of nothing but white space, then that string is ignored entirely. This white-space removal was added to make the output of the concat command cleaner-looking. The result string is dynamically allocated using Tcl_Alloc; the caller must eventually release the space by calling Tcl_Free. SEE ALSO Tcl_ConcatObj KEYWORDS concatenate, strings Tcl 7.5 Tcl_Concat(3) |
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