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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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Geometry(3)                                   Tk Themed Widget                                   Geometry(3)


       Ttk_MakeBox,  Ttk_PadBox,  Ttk_ExpandBox,  Ttk_PackBox,  Ttk_StickBox, Ttk_PlaceBox, Ttk_BoxContains,
       Ttk_MakePadding,  Ttk_UniformPadding,  Ttk_AddPadding,   Ttk_RelievePadding,   Ttk_GetPaddingFromObj,
       Ttk_GetBorderFromObj, Ttk_GetStickyFromObj - Tk themed geometry utilities

       #include <tkTheme.h>

       Ttk_MakeBox(int x, int y, int width, int height);

       Ttk_PadBox(Ttk_Box parcel, Ttk_Padding padding);

       Ttk_ExpandBox(Ttk_Box parcel, Ttk_Padding padding);

       Ttk_PackBox(Ttk_Box *cavity, int width, int height, Ttk_Side side);

       Ttk_StickBox(Ttk_Box parcel, int width, int height, unsigned sticky);

       Ttk_PlaceBox(Ttk_Box *cavity, int width, int height, Ttk_Side side, unsigned sticky);

       Ttk_AnchorBox(Ttk_Box parcel, int width, int height, Tk_Anchor anchor);

       Ttk_MakePadding(short left, short top, short right, short bottom);

       Ttk_UniformPadding(short border);

       Ttk_AddPadding(Ttk_Padding padding1, Ttk_Padding padding2;

       Ttk_RelievePadding(Ttk_Padding padding, int relief);

       Ttk_BoxContains(Ttk_Box box, int x, int y);

       Ttk_GetPaddingFromObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, Ttk_Padding *padding_rtn);

       Ttk_GetBorderFromObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, Ttk_Padding *padding_rtn);

       Ttk_GetStickyFromObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, int *sticky_rtn);

       Tk_Anchor anchor (in)                     One  of  the  symbolic constants TK_ANCHOR_N, TK_ANCHOR_NE,
                                                 etc.  See Tk_GetAnchorFromObj(3).

       Ttk_Box * cavity (in/out)                 A rectangular region from which a parcel is allocated.

       short border (in)                         Extra padding (in pixels) to add uniformly to each side  of
                                                 a region.

       short bottom (in)                         Extra padding (in pixels) to add to the bottom of a region.

       Ttk_Box box (in)

       Ttk_Box * box_rtn (out)                   Specifies a rectangular region.

       int height (in)                           The height in pixels of a region.

       Tcl_Interp * interp (in)                  Used to store error messages.

       int left (in)                             Extra padding (in pixels) to add to  the  left  side  of  a

       Tcl_Obj * objPtr (in)                     String value contains a symbolic name to be converted to an
                                                 enumerated value or bitmask.  Internal rep may be be  modi-fied modified
                                                 fied to cache corresponding value.

       Ttk_Padding padding (in)

       Ttk_Padding * padding_rtn (out)           Extra padding to add on the inside of a region.

       Ttk_Box parcel (in)                       A rectangular region, allocated from a cavity.

       int relief (in)                           One  of  the  standard Tk relief options (TK_RELIEF_RAISED,
                                                 TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN, etc.).  See Tk_GetReliefFromObj.

       short right (in)                          Extra padding (in pixles) to add to the  right  side  of  a

       Ttk_Side side (in)                        One  of  TTK_SIDE_LEFT,  TTK_SIDE_TOP,  TTK_SIDE_RIGHT,  or

       unsigned sticky (in)                      A bitmask containing one or more of  the  bits  TTK_STICK_W
                                                 (west,  or  left), TTK_STICK_E (east, or right, TTK_STICK_N
                                                 (north,  or  top),  and  TTK_STICK_S  (south,  or  bottom).
                                                 TTK_FILL_X     is     defined     as    a    synonym    for
                                                 (TTK_STICK_W|TTK_STICK_E),  TTK_FILL_Y  is  a  synonym  for
                                                 (TTK_STICK_N|TTK_STICK_S),     and     TTK_FILL_BOTH    and
                                                 TTK_STICK_ALL  are  synonyms  for  (TTK_FILL_X|TTK_FILL_Y).
                                                 See also: grid(n).

       Tk_Window tkwin (in)                      Window  whose  screen  geometry  determines  the conversion
                                                 between absolute units and pixels.

       short top (in)                            Extra padding at the top of a region.

       int width (in)                            The width in pixels of a region.

       int x (in)                                X coordinate of upper-left corner of region.

       int y (in)                                Y coordinate of upper-left corner of region.

       The Ttk_Box structure represents a rectangular region of a window:
              typedef struct {
                  int x;
                  int y;
                  int width;
                  int height;
              } Ttk_Box;
       All coordinates are relative to the window.

       Ttk_MakeBox is a convenience routine that contsructs a Ttk_Box structure representing a region  width
       pixels wide, height pixels tall, at the specified x, y coordinates.

       Ttk_PadBox  returns  a  new  box located inside the specified parcel, shrunken according to the left,
       top, right, and bottom margins specified by padding.

       Ttk_ExpandBox is the inverse of Ttk_PadBox: it returns a new box surrounding  the  specified  parcel,
       expanded  according to the left, top, right, and bottom margins specified by padding.

       Ttk_PackBox  allocates  a parcel width by height pixels wide on the specified side of the cavity, and
       shrinks the cavity accordingly.

       Ttk_StickBox places a box with the requested width and height inside  the  parcel  according  to  the
       sticky bits.

       Ttk_PlaceBox  combines  Ttk_PackBox  and Ttk_StickBox: it allocates a parcel on the specified side of
       the cavity, places a box of the requested size inside the parcel according to sticky, and shrinks the

       Ttk_AnchorBox  places  a  box  with the requested width and height inside the parcel according to the
       specified anchor option.

       Ttk_BoxContains tests if the specified x, y coordinate lies within the rectangular region box.

       The Ttk_Padding structure is used to represent borders, internal padding, and external margins:
              typedef struct {
                  short left;
                  short top;
                  short right;
                  short bottom;
              } Ttk_Padding;

       Ttk_MakePadding is a convenience routine that contsructs a Ttk_Padding structure with  the  specified
       left, top, right, and bottom components.

       Ttk_UniformPadding constructs a Ttk_Padding structure with all components equal to the specified bor-der. border.

       Ttk_AddPadding adds two Ttk_Paddings together and returns a combined padding containing  the  sum  of
       the individual padding components.

       Ttk_RelievePadding  adds  an  extra 2 pixels of padding to padding according to the specified relief.
       If relief is TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN, adds two pixels at the top and left so the  inner  region  is  shifted
       down  and  to  the  left.   If it is TK_RELIEF_RAISED, adds two pixels at the bottom and right so the
       inner region is shifted up and to the right.  Otherwise, adds 1 pixel on all sides.   This  is  typi-cally typically
       cally used in element geometry procedures to simulate a "pressed-in" look for pushbuttons.

       Ttk_GetPaddingFromObj converts the string in objPtr to a Ttk_Padding structure.  The string represen-tation representation
       tation is a list of up to four length specifications "left top right bottom".   If  fewer  than  four
       elements  are  specified,  bottom  defaults to top, right defaults to left, and top defaults to left.
       See Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(3) for the syntax of length specifications.

       Ttk_GetBorderFromObj is the same as Ttk_GetPaddingFromObj except that the lengths  are  specified  as
       integers (i.e., resolution-dependant values like 3m are not allowed).

       Ttk_GetStickyFromObj  converts the string in objPtr to a sticky bitmask.  The string contains zero or
       more of the characters n, s, e, or w.

       Tk_GetReliefFromObj(3), Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(3), Tk_GetAnchorFromObj(3)

       geometry, padding, margins, box, region, sticky, relief

Tk                                                   8.5                                         Geometry(3)

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Форматирование проблем
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