Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Библиотека разработчика Mac Разработчик


Эта страница руководства является частью версии 5.0 Инструментов XCode

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curl_multi_info_read(3)                        libcurl Manual                        curl_multi_info_read(3)

       curl_multi_info_read - read multi stack informationals

       #include <curl/curl.h>

       CURLMsg *curl_multi_info_read( CURLM *multi_handle,
                                      int *msgs_in_queue);

       Ask the multi handle if there are any messages/informationals from the individual transfers. Messages
       may include informationals such as an error code from the transfer or just the fact that  a  transfer
       is completed. More details on these should be written down as well.

       Repeated  calls  to  this  function will return a new struct each time, until a NULL is returned as a
       signal that there is no more to get at this point. The integer pointed  to  with  msgs_in_queue  will
       contain the number of remaining messages after this function was called.

       When  you  fetch a message using this function, it is removed from the internal queue so calling this
       function again will not return the same message again. It will instead return new  messages  at  each
       new invoke until the queue is emptied.

       WARNING:  The  data  the  returned  pointer points to will not survive calling curl_multi_cleanup(3),
       curl_multi_remove_handle(3) or curl_easy_cleanup(3).

       The 'CURLMsg' struct is very simple and only contains  very  basic  information.   If  more  involved
       information is wanted, the particular "easy handle" in present in that struct and can thus be used in
       subsequent regular curl_easy_getinfo(3) calls (or similar):

        struct CURLMsg {
          CURLMSG msg;       /* what this message means */
          CURL *easy_handle; /* the handle it concerns */
          union {
            void *whatever;    /* message-specific data */
            CURLcode result;   /* return code for transfer */
          } data;
       When msg is CURLMSG_DONE, the message identifies a transfer that is done, and  then  result  contains
       the return code for the easy handle that just completed.

       At this point, there are no other msg types defined.

       A  pointer to a filled-in struct, or NULL if it failed or ran out of structs. It also writes the num-ber number
       ber of messages left in the queue (after this read) in the integer the second argument points to.

       curl_multi_cleanup(3), curl_multi_init(3), curl_multi_perform(3)

libcurl 7.10.3                                   18 Dec 2004                         curl_multi_info_read(3)

Сообщение о проблемах

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Ошибки содержания
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Форматирование проблем
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