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curs_opaque(3X) curs_opaque(3X) NAME is_cleared, is_idlok, is_idcok, is_immedok, is_keypad, is_leaveok, is_nodelay, is_timeout, is_scrollok, is_syncok - curses window properties SYNOPSIS #include <curses.h> bool is_cleared(const WINDOW *win); bool is_idcok(const WINDOW *win); bool is_idlok(const WINDOW *win); bool is_immedok(const WINDOW *win); bool is_keypad(const WINDOW *win); bool is_leaveok(const WINDOW *win); bool is_nodelay(const WINDOW *win); bool is_notimeout(const WINDOW *win); bool is_scrollok(const WINDOW *win); bool is_syncok(const WINDOW *win); WINDOW * wgetparent(const WINDOW *win); int wgetscrreg(const WINDOW *win, int *top, int *bottom); DESCRIPTION This implementation provides functions which return properties set in the WINDOW structure, allowing it to be ``opaque'' if the symbol NCURSES_OPAQUE is defined: is_cleared returns the value set in clearok is_idcok returns the value set in idcok is_idlok returns the value set in idlok is_immedok returns the value set in immedok is_keypad returns the value set in keypad is_leaveok returns the value set in leaveok is_nodelay returns the value set in nodelay is_notimeout returns the value set in notimeout is_scrollok returns the value set in scrollok is_syncok returns the value set in syncok wgetparent returns the parent WINDOW pointer for subwindows, or NULL for windows having no parent. wgetscrreg returns the top and bottom rows for the scrolling margin as set in wsetscrreg. RETURN VALUE These functions all return TRUE or FALSE, except as noted. NOTES Both a macro and a function are provided for each name. PORTABILITY These routines are specific to ncurses. They were not supported on Version 7, BSD or System V imple-mentations. implementations. mentations. It is recommended that any code depending on ncurses extensions be conditioned using NCURSES_VERSION. SEE ALSO curses(3X), curs_inopts(3X), curs_outopts(3X), curs_window(3X) curs_opaque(3X) |
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