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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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LDAP_FIRST_MESSAGE(3)                                                                  LDAP_FIRST_MESSAGE(3)

       ldap_first_message,  ldap_next_message,  ldap_count_messages  - Stepping through messages in a result

       OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)

       #include <ldap.h>

       int ldap_count_messages( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *result )

       LDAPMessage *ldap_first_message( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *result )

       LDAPMessage *ldap_next_message( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *message )

       These routines are used to step through the messages in a result chain received from  ldap_result(3).
       For  search  operations,  the  result  chain  can  contain  referral,  entry and result messages. The
       ldap_msgtype(3) function can be used to distinguish between the different message types.

       The ldap_first_message() routine is used to retrieve the first message in a result chain.   It  takes
       the result as returned by a call to ldap_result(3), ldap_search_s(3) or ldap_search_st(3) and returns
       a pointer to the first message in the result chain.

       This pointer should be supplied on a subsequent call to ldap_next_message() to get the next  message,
       the  result of which should be supplied to the next call to ldap_next_message(), etc.  ldap_next_mes-sage() ldap_next_message()
       sage() will return NULL when there are no more messages.

       These functions are useful when using routines like ldap_parse_result(3) that  only  operate  on  the
       first result in the chain.

       A  count  of  the  number  of messages in the result chain can be obtained by calling ldap_count_mes-sages(). ldap_count_messages().
       sages().  It can also be used to count the number of remaining messages in a chain if called  with  a
       message,   entry   or   reference   returned   by   ldap_first_message()   ,   ldap_next_message()  ,
       ldap_first_entry(3), ldap_next_entry(3), ldap_first_reference(3), ldap_next_reference(3).

       If an error occurs in ldap_first_message() or ldap_next_message(), NULL is  returned.   If  an  error
       occurs in ldap_count_messages(), -1 is returned.

       ldap(3), ldap_search(3), ldap_result(3), ldap_parse_result(3), ldap_first_entry(3), ldap_first_refer-ence(3) ldap_first_reference(3)

       OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by  The  OpenLDAP  Project  <http://www.openldap.org/>.
       OpenLDAP Software is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.4.28                                  2011/11/24                            LDAP_FIRST_MESSAGE(3)

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