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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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LDAP_PARSE_RESULT(3)                                                                    LDAP_PARSE_RESULT(3)

       ldap_parse_result - Parsing results

       OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)

       #include <ldap.h>

       int ldap_parse_result( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *result,
            int *errcodep, char **matcheddnp, char **errmsgp,
            char ***referralsp, LDAPControl ***serverctrlsp,
            int freeit )

       int ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *result,
            struct berval **servercredp, int freeit )

       int ldap_parse_extended_result( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *result,
            char **retoidp, struct berval **retdatap, int freeit )

       These routines are used to extract information from a result message.  They will operate on the first
       result message in a chain of search results (skipping past other message types). They take the result
       as  returned  by  a  call  to  ldap_result(3), ldap_search_s(3) or ldap_search_st(3).  In addition to
       ldap_parse_result(), the routines ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result() and ldap_parse_extended_result()  are
       used to get all the result information from SASL bind and extended operations.

       The errcodep parameter will be filled in with the result code from the result message.

       The server might supply a matched DN string in the message indicating how much of a name in a request
       was recognized. The matcheddnp parameter will be filled in with this string if supplied, else it will
       be NULL. If a string is returned, it should be freed using ldap_memfree(3).

       The  errmsgp  parameter  will be filled in with the error message field from the parsed message. This
       string should be freed using ldap_memfree(3).

       The referralsp parameter will be filled in with an allocated  array  of  referral  strings  from  the
       parsed  message.  This  array should be freed using ldap_memvfree(3).  If no referrals were returned,
       *referralsp is set to NULL.

       The serverctrlsp parameter will be filled in with an allocated array  of  controls  copied  from  the
       parsed message. The array should be freed using ldap_controls_free(3).  If no controls were returned,
       *serverctrlsp is set to NULL.

       The freeit parameter determines whether the parsed message is freed or not after the extraction.  Any
       non-zero  value  will  make it free the message. The ldap_msgfree(3) routine can also be used to free
       the message later.

       For SASL bind results, the servercredp parameter will be filled in with an allocated berval structure
       containing  the  credentials  from  the  server  if  present.  The  structure  should  be freed using

       For extended results, the retoidp parameter will be filled in with the dotted-OID text representation
       of the name of the extended operation response. The string should be freed using ldap_memfree(3).  If
       no OID was returned, *retoidp is set to NULL.

       For extended results, the retdatap parameter will be filled in with a pointer to a  berval  structure
       containing  the  data  from  the  extended  operation  response.  The structure should be freed using
       ber_bvfree(3).  If no data were returned, *retdatap is set to NULL.

       For all the above result parameters, NULL values can be used in calls  in  order  to  ignore  certain

       Upon success LDAP_SUCCESS is returned. Otherwise the values of the result parameters are undefined.

       ldap(3),   ldap_result(3),  ldap_search(3),  ldap_memfree(3),  ldap_memvfree(3),  ldap_get_values(3),
       ldap_controls_free(3), lber-types(3)

       OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by  The  OpenLDAP  Project  <http://www.openldap.org/>.
       OpenLDAP Software is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.4.28                                  2011/11/24                             LDAP_PARSE_RESULT(3)

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