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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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LDAP_PARSE_VLV_CONTROL(3)                                                          LDAP_PARSE_VLV_CONTROL(3)

       ldap_parse_vlv_control  -  Decode  the  information  returned from a search operation that used a VLV
       (virtual list view) control

       OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)

       #include <ldap.h>

       int ldap_parse_vlv_control( ld, ctrlp, target_posp, list_countp, contextp, errcodep )
       LDAP *ld;
       LDAPControl **ctrlp;
       unsigned long *target_posp, *list_countp;
       struct berval **contextp;
       int *errcodep;

       The ldap_parse_vlv_control is used to decode the information returned from a  search  operation  that
       used  a  VLV  (virtual list view)control. It takes a null terminated array of LDAPControl structures,
       usually obtained by a call to the ldap_parse_resultfunction, a target_pos which points  to  the  list
       index  of the target entry. If this parameter is NULL, the target position is not returned. The index
       returned is an approximation of the position of the target entry. It is not guaranteed to  be  exact.
       The  parameter list_countp points to the server's estimate of the size of the list. If this parameter
       is NULL, the size is not returned. contextp is a pointer to the address of a  berval  structure  that
       contains  a  server-generated  context  identifier if server returns one. If server does not return a
       context identifier, the server returns a NULL in this parameter. If this parameter is  set  to  NULL,
       the context identifier is not returned. You should use this returned context in the next call to cre-ate create
       ate a VLV control. When the berval structure is no longer needed, you should free the memory by call-ing calling
       ing  the  ber_bvfree  function.e  errcodep  is  an  output parameter, which points to the result code
       returned by the server. If this parameter is NULL, the result code is not returned.

       See ldap.h for a list of possible return codes.


       OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by  The  OpenLDAP  Project  <http://www.openldap.org/>.
       OpenLDAP Software is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.4.28                                  2011/11/24                        LDAP_PARSE_VLV_CONTROL(3)

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