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sasl_client_new(21 June 2001) sasl_client_new(21 June 2001) NAME sasl_client_new - Create a new client authentication object SYNOPSIS #include <sasl/sasl.h> int sasl_client_new(const char *service, const char *serverFQDN, const char *iplocalport, const char *ipremoteport, const sasl_callback_t *prompt_supp, unsigned flags, sasl_conn_t ** pconn); DESCRIPTION sasl_client_new() creates a new SASL context. This context will be used for all SASL calls for one connection. It handles both authentication and integrity/encyption layers after authentication. service is the registered name of the service (usually the protocol name) using SASL (e.g. "imap"). serverFQDN is the fully qualified domain name of the server (e.g. "serverhost.cmu.edu"). iplocalport is the IP and port of the local side of the connection, or NULL. If iplocalport is NULL it will disable mechanisms that require IP address information. This strings must be in one of the following formats: "a.b.c.d;port" (IPv4), "e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l;port" (IPv6), or "e:f:g:h:i:j:a.b.c.d;port" (IPv6) ipremoteport is the IP and port of the remote side of the connection, or NULL (see iplocalport) prompt_supp is a list of client interactions supported that is unique to this connection. If this parameter is NULL the global callbacks (specified in sasl_client_init) will be used. See sasl_call-back sasl_callback back for more information. flags are connection flags (see below) pconn is the conection context allocated by the library. This structure will be used for all future SASL calls for this connection. Connection Flags Flags that may be passed to sasl_server_new() include SASL_SUCCESS_DATA The protocol supports a server-last send SASL_NEED_PROXY Force the use of a mechanism that supports an authorization id that is not the authentication id. RETURN VALUE sasl_client_new returns an integer which corresponds to one of the following codes. SASL_OK is the only one that indicates success. All others indicate errors and should either be handled or the authentication session should be quit. ERRORS SASL_OK Success SASL_BADPARAM Error in config file or passed parameters SASL_NOMECH No mechanism meets requested properties SASL_NOMEM Not enough memory to complete operation CONFORMING TO RFC 2222 SEE ALSO sasl(3), sasl_client_init(3), sasl_client_start(3), sasl_client_step(3), sasl_setprop(3) SASL man pages SASL sasl_client_new(21 June 2001) |
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