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спецификации, руководства, описания, API
Spec-Zone .ru
спецификации, руководства, описания, API
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warnings(3pm)                         Perl Programmers Reference Guide                         warnings(3pm)

       warnings - Perl pragma to control optional warnings

           use warnings;
           no warnings;

           use warnings "all";
           no warnings "all";

           use warnings::register;
           if (warnings::enabled()) {
               warnings::warn("some warning");

           if (warnings::enabled("void")) {
               warnings::warn("void", "some warning");

           if (warnings::enabled($object)) {
               warnings::warn($object, "some warning");

           warnings::warnif("some warning");
           warnings::warnif("void", "some warning");
           warnings::warnif($object, "some warning");

       The "warnings" pragma is a replacement for the command line flag "-w", but the pragma is limited to
       the enclosing block, while the flag is global.  See perllexwarn for more information.

       If no import list is supplied, all possible warnings are either enabled or disabled.

       A number of functions are provided to assist module authors.

       use warnings::register
           Creates a new warnings category with the same name as the package where the call to the pragma is

           Use the warnings category with the same name as the current package.

           Return TRUE if that warnings category is enabled in the calling module.  Otherwise returns FALSE.

           Return TRUE if the warnings category, $category, is enabled in the calling module.  Otherwise
           returns FALSE.

           Use the name of the class for the object reference, $object, as the warnings category.

           Return TRUE if that warnings category is enabled in the first scope where the object is used.
           Otherwise returns FALSE.

           Return TRUE if the warnings category with the same name as the current package has been set to
           FATAL in the calling module.  Otherwise returns FALSE.

           Return TRUE if the warnings category $category has been set to FATAL in the calling module.
           Otherwise returns FALSE.

           Use the name of the class for the object reference, $object, as the warnings category.

           Return TRUE if that warnings category has been set to FATAL in the first scope where the object
           is used.  Otherwise returns FALSE.

           Print $message to STDERR.

           Use the warnings category with the same name as the current package.

           If that warnings category has been set to "FATAL" in the calling module then die. Otherwise

       warnings::warn($category, $message)
           Print $message to STDERR.

           If the warnings category, $category, has been set to "FATAL" in the calling module then die.
           Otherwise return.

       warnings::warn($object, $message)
           Print $message to STDERR.

           Use the name of the class for the object reference, $object, as the warnings category.

           If that warnings category has been set to "FATAL" in the scope where $object is first used then
           die. Otherwise return.

           Equivalent to:

               if (warnings::enabled())
                 { warnings::warn($message) }

       warnings::warnif($category, $message)
           Equivalent to:

               if (warnings::enabled($category))
                 { warnings::warn($category, $message) }

       warnings::warnif($object, $message)
           Equivalent to:

               if (warnings::enabled($object))
                 { warnings::warn($object, $message) }

       See "Pragmatic Modules" in perlmodlib and perllexwarn.

perl v5.12.5                                     2012-11-03                                    warnings(3pm)

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Ошибки содержания
Ошибки отчета в содержании этой документации к проекту Perl. (См. perlbug (1) для инструкций представления.)
Отчеты об ошибках
Сообщите об ошибках в функциональности описанного инструмента или API к Apple через Генератор отчетов Ошибки и к проекту Perl, использующему perlbug (1).
Форматирование проблем
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